
My name is Graeme and I run OrderOfBooks.com. I live in Kingston, ON Canada.

Of course the site isn’t just ran by me; there are countless people who help in regards to the site. We work with various librarians and libraries and many of them use our database as a resource. We have employees who help set up the content and keep the databases up to date etc. I also co-run the site with Brandon.

Best way to contact is via e-mail. site@orderofbooks.com

You can also keep up to date on any new posts on our Twitter @ OrderOfBooks and also our Facebook Page.



32 Responses to “Staff”

  1. Ceceilia McFadden: 7 months ago

    Hey Graeme,

    I’m so glad you love Tim Egan’s work. Many years ago, I worked for the Seattle-Post Intelligencer. With a lot of newspapers in the area, the Guild had softball teams that played each spring. Tim was our shortstop and he was good at it. I was the catcher, not so good as the rest of the team. My glory was hitting the first run in a game against the Tacoma News Tribune. We won a 2-0 game for title of Champions.

    The P-I was purchased/sold so that the Seattle Times could have the morning delivery spot. People left the area. A few joined The Times staff. Maybe that was Tim’s big break.

    I always buy a copy of each new book of his and am never disappointed. I have his latest important book but am choosing to read mostly fiction this summer. I’ll pick up on it later around election time. I’m sure it will remind me why I despise that freakin’ moron presidential candidate, son of a crook, Donald John Trump. Canada has better quality leadership.

    Wishing you continued success!

    Ceceilia McFadden, formerly Ceceilia Dominique and now of Wenatchee, WA along the Columbia River


    • Graeme: 7 months ago

      Thanks for sharing that – that is so neat to hear, and I love that you are supporting him by buying his books 🙂 Cheers


  2. Christopher: 9 years ago

    Just stumbled upon the website, and I must say that it is fantastic. Thank you for bringing order to my “chaos of books”!!! Could you please add the marvelous fantasy author, Dave Duncan to the site. He’s a Scottish born Canadian author with some superb novels, such as The Seventh Sword series. Thanks!


  3. Not1knowsme: 10 years ago

    Please add Wesley R. Lowe to the site – I’ve done the work:

    The order of the Noah Reid Action Thrillers is:

    Prequel – EVIL RISES

    You can find out more at http://www.wesleyrobertlowe.com

    They are really good thrillers. Thanks.


  4. mermaid: 10 years ago

    Love your website!

    One of my very favorite authors is Walter R. Brooks who wrote the “Freddy the Pig” series. They are definitely not just for children! Very clever books which I loved as a little girl, have rediscovered them in the past few years.

    Think you will enjoy adding these to your website!

    Best wishes for your continued success!



  5. Anne: 10 years ago

    This website is the “Holy Grail” of websites as far as I’m concerned. As a mystery series reader for over 20 years I am always looking for new authors/characters in a series. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!


  6. Larry: 10 years ago

    Order of Linda Castillo’s Kate Burkholder Books has an error. “Long Lost” comes before “Her Last Breath”


  7. Margaret c: 10 years ago

    I believe the is a typo in your list of Fethering books by Simon Brett. In the first title the word ‘blood’ should be replaced by ‘body’. Thanks.


  8. Kathy Badgerow: 10 years ago

    Love this website! Would you please consider adding the wonderful Gladys Mitchell? I just discovered her and can’t get enough. She wrote during the late twenties until her death in 1983. Many thanks.


  9. tomsboxers: 10 years ago

    Is it possible to list Ryan Casey books, Sorry if this is not the way to go about it. This is a wonderful and very helpful website, thank you.


    • Brandon: 10 years ago

      Thanks for the request!


  10. drummergirl: 10 years ago

    Benedict Jacka “Alex Verus”


  11. JohnS: 10 years ago

    Would like to recommend Tosca Lee, who has written some really good books. Judas Iscariot, Memoirs of a Demon.


  12. Jan Dunlap: 10 years ago

    This is a wonderful resource, since I am always hunting for the publication order of the book series I read! Thank you for doing this. My own humorous mystery series, the Bob White Birder Murder Mysteries (published by North Star Press of St. Cloud, Inc) is up to 6 books, and I’d love to have them listed here, as I frequently have readers contact me to get the series order. Where should I send that info?


    • Brandon: 10 years ago

      Hey Jan, I’m not sure I want to put my e-mail address in here due to possible spambots and such, so what I will do is send you an e-mail through your website and you can send me all the info that way. Thanks!


  13. Mojo_reader: 10 years ago

    Hay is thee any way you guys could add a list for Andrew Taylor (The Anatomy of ghosts)?


  14. Laura: 11 years ago

    Please add Gervase Phinn to your list. His novels based on being a Yorkshire Dales school inspector are well-written and hilarious.


  15. Lisa: 11 years ago

    What a wonderful site!! It has been so useful to me!
    I have discovered one typo in the list of Aurora Teagarden mysteries [OrderOfBooks.com > Characters > Order of Aurora Teagarden Books]. The fourth book is listed as The Julius Horse, and it should be The Julius House.
    Thanks again for maintaining such a great site!!


  16. audrey1984: 11 years ago

    Thank you for this excellent and useful site. I’d like to suggest the Fire & Ice series by Michael Ridpath, featuring Magnus Jonson, who was born and raised in Iceland but moved to America when he was twelve and eventually became a Boston Police homicide detective. Now he’s back in Iceland in a cultural exchange/witness protection capacity. In order the books are: Where the Shadows Lie, 66 degrees North (published as Far North in the US), Meltwater and Sea of Stones. There’s also a short story available only on Kindle, Edge of Nowehere.

    This is a great series, and I really appreciate that you have many international series on your site, as I’m a big fan of Nordic thrillers. Thanks again!


  17. KarenB: 11 years ago

    You have forgotten one of Martin Cruz Smith’s best: December 6th.


    • Brandon: 11 years ago

      It’s actually listed as “Tokyo Station.”


  18. GGomer Pyle: 11 years ago

    How about Gene Wolfe updates?


  19. Julie: 11 years ago

    Is there a plan to update lists? I notice David Baldacci is not updated. Also, Adriana Trigiani. Thanks–this is a great site!


    • Brandon: 11 years ago

      Thanks! I’m actually constantly updating the lists, it’s just that there’s about 2500 of them to update! Feel free to let me know if you notice any other authors who are out of date as there are bound to be some.


  20. MirandaWrites: 11 years ago

    Just a minor correction for your outstanding site. There are two authors named Elizabeth George. One is a Christian author whose picture you have mistakenly posted on your db. The other is the gifted creator of the Inspector Lynley series.


    • Brandon: 11 years ago

      Thanks! I had no idea there were two… Kind of like Andrew Peterson, I guess.


  21. Addie: 11 years ago

    Hooray to have found this site. And a mighty thank you.


  22. Michael Rees: 12 years ago

    Surprised you are missing the excellent navy series by American author Dewey Lambdin with the main character being Alan Lewrie


    • Brandon: 12 years ago

      Thanks for the suggestion! He’s on our to do list (but so are 1700 others), but we’ll move him up based on your request.


    • jacques: 10 years ago

      Boring gung ho crap. Too much military stff for me.


      • Brandon: 10 years ago

        Feel free to request something that’s more your style!


  23. Martin Lake: 12 years ago

    This is such a great site, especially for Kindle owners like myself who curse that original publication dates are so hard to find. This is an essential web-site for all readers. Martin Lake.


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