Canadian West by Janette Oke
The Canadian West series is a series of Christian fiction novels by Canadian author Janette Oke. Set in the Canadian Prairies, the series follows a couple (Elizabeth & Wynn) as they make all sorts of errors and mistakes and work through several differences, but through them get stronger and gain character as well a courage. The final two books in the series focus on their children.

Janette Oke began her Canadian West series in 1983 with the novel When Calls the Heart. The series took a hiatus after four books and then resumed in 1999 with Beyond the Gathering Storm. In total, there are six books in the series. Below is a list of Janette Oke’s Canadian West books in order of when they were first released (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Canadian West Books

When Calls the Heart(1983)Description / Buy at
When Comes the Spring(1985)Description / Buy at
When Breaks the Dawn(1985)Description / Buy at
When Hope Springs New(1986)Description / Buy at
Beyond the Gathering Storm(1990)Description / Buy at
When Tomorrow Comes(2001)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Return To The Canadian West Books

(By: Janette Oke, Laurel Oke Logan)

Where Courage Calls(2014)Description / Buy at
Where Trust Lies(2015)Description / Buy at
Where Hope Prevails(2016)Description / Buy at

Note: The Return to the Canadian West series is co-authored by Laurel Oke Logan.

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Canadian West Synopsis: In When Calls the Heart by Janette Oke (the first Canadian West book), Elizabeth is cultured and from the East Coast when she gets a job teaching out in the Prairies. Despite some difficulties, she enjoys her job and wants to do the best she can. She begins to develop a thing for an RCMP officer.

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