Secret Histories is a series of novels by British novelist Simon R. Green. The series was originally meant to be a trilogy, but due to the series’ popularity, Green decided to continue with the series. The series centers around Edwin Drood (aka Shaman Bond), who is part of an ancient family who watches over the world to protect it from supernatural, magical and various other threats.

The Secret Histories series contains many references to the Deathstalker, Hawk & Fisher and Nightside series by Simon R. Green. The series started in 2007 with The Man with the Golden Torc. In total, there are six books in the Secret History series. A list of the complete Secret Histories series by Simon R. Green is below, in order of publication:

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Publication Order of Hawk & Fisher Books

Hawk & Fisher / No Haven for the Guilty(1990)Description / Buy at
Winner Takes All / Devil Take the Hindmost(1991)Description / Buy at
The God Killer(1991)Description / Buy at
Wolf in the Fold / Vengeance for a Lonely Man(1991)Description / Buy at
Guard Against Dishonor(1991)Description / Buy at
The Bones of Haven / Two Kings in Haven(1992)Description / Buy at
Haven of Lost Souls(1999)Description / Buy at
Beyond the Blue Moon(2000)Description / Buy at

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