American Century by Gilbert Morris
The American Century series (aka American Odyssey) is a series of Christian historical fiction by American author Gilbert Morris. The series follows the Stuart family from the hills of Arkansas.

Gilbert L. Morris began his American Century series with the novel A Time to Be Born (aka A Bright Tomorrow), which was originally published in 1995. The series was re-issued in 2005 and all of the novels were given new titles at that point. The series concluded in 2008 with the seventh novel in the series, entitled Dawn of a New Day. Below is a list of Gilbert Morris’ American Century books in order of when they were first released (which also their chronological order):

Publication Order of American Century Books

A Bright Tomorrow / A Time To Be Born(1995)Description / Buy at
Hope Takes Flight / A Time To Die(1995)Description / Buy at
One Shining Moment / A Time To Laugh(1995)Description / Buy at
A Season of Dreams / A Time to Weep(1996)Description / Buy at
Winds of Change / A Time for War(1997)Description / Buy at
Pages of Promise / A Time To Build(1998)Description / Buy at
Dawn of a New Day(2008)Description / Buy at

Notes: A Time to Be Born is also known as A Bright Tomorrow. A Time to Die was re-published as Hope Takes Flight. A Time to Laugh was re-published as One Shining Moment. A Time to Weep is also known as A Season of Dreams. A Time for War was later re-titled Winds of Change. A Time to Build was re-published as Pages of Promise.

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