Righteous by Michael Wallace
The Righteous series is a series of suspense-thriller novels by author Michael Wallace. In the conservative polygamist enclave of Blister Creek, Utah, Jacob Christianson is a medical student who is also called upon to work as an criminal investigator and an undercover agent, all while trying to reconcile his faith with his skepticism. Meanwhile, his younger sister Eliza is trying to understand her purpose, which she believes is more than “just another wife” of an old man.

Michael Wallace began his Righteous series in 2011 with the novel The Righteous. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Michael Wallace’s Righteous books in order of when they were first published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Righteous Books

The Righteous(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Mighty and Strong(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Wicked(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Trial by Fury(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Blessed and the Damned(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Blood of Vipers(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Destroying Angel(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Gates of Babylon(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Hell's Fortress(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Blood of the Faithful(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

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Righteous Synopsis: The Righteous by Michael Wallace is the first book in the Righteous series. In the deserts of Utah, the polygamists have always protected one another. Even if a young woman is killed near her own home, they refuse to talk. But even though they don’t want the outside agencies in their business, it doesn’t mean this murder will go unsolved. Over a thousand miles away, Jacob Christianson finds out about his cousin’s murder. Jacob is a medical student and son of an elder of the church, and he is skeptical of some of the fundamentalist beliefs of the church. Due to his sharp mind and eye for details, he is chosen to investigate his cousin Amanda’s death. He goes to Blister Creek, Utah with his sister, Eliza, to look into the murder. They quickly realize it was no random murder, but part of a plot to overthrow the leadership of the church.

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