The Izzy Spellman series is a series of mystery novels by American novelist Lisa Lutz. The series focuses on the Spellman family, a close-knit family of suspicious private investigators who end up investigating eachother.

The Izzy Spellman series began in 2007 with The Spellman Files. The series is ongoing. Below is a list of Lisa Lutz’ Izzy Spellman books in order of when they were originally released:

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Publication Order of Izzy Spellman Books

(By: Lisa Lutz, Isabel Spellman)

The Spellman Files(2007)Description / Buy at
Curse of the Spellmans(2008)Description / Buy at
Revenge of the Spellmans(2009)Description / Buy at
The Spellmans Strike Again(2010)Description / Buy at
Trail of the Spellmans(2012)Description / Buy at
Isabel Spellman's Guide to Etiquette: What is Wrong with You People(2013)Description / Buy at
The Last Word / The Next Generation(2013)Description / Buy at

Note: The Last Word was also titled The Next Generation.

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