April 2017 Newsletter
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April already – time flies! Weather is starting to get nicer too and I hope it says that way. I spent some of March at a resort in Mexico and it was great doing my daily 5k run in just a pair of shorts in beautiful weather. Then back to Canada I came where I had to dress up in all my Under Armour Coldgear, gloves and hat as I ran in snow and freezing rain. Fun fun fun.
We had a good update on out new website project BookSeries.org. On top of adding a lot of content(currently 372 authors, 300 series) we also added the ability to print all of an authors books. Previously it was just the series books but now you can print all books that an author has written. .
It was an interesting time for me though in terms of reading. Usually when I go on trips, I like to start a new author that I’ve never read before. That way I can always associate them with a vacation. Last year we had a family vacation in Ottawa for example, and I read Noah Hawleys Before the Fall while I was there. Now whenever I think of that author I always associate him with that trip – and it’s just a nice memory to have.
This trip to Mexico – well my Kindle is loaded with over 200 new authors thanks to you guys and your recommendations – so I was all set to start a new author. I then noticed amongst my new books was the most recent book in the Myron Bolitar series by Harlan Coben – “Home”.
I swear I had read that when it came out but nope I actually hadn’t. So I read that and then I liked it so much I didn’t want to leave the Myron universe. If you remember I actually read the series for the first time just a few months ago.
Well “Home” dragged me right back in. I loved it so much that rather than read a new author I ended up reading the entire Myron Bolitar series again. Having read them so recently too I was able to breeze through them and I read one a day.
Such an amazing series. The characters, the stories and the mysteries are just fantastic and if you haven’t read it, I recommend getting started on the Myron Bolitar series today.
That will be the topic of this months reader mailbag – reading old series. Speaking of the mailbag – thanks so much to everyone for the feedback on best book to movie conversions. Tons of great feedback and that is below. I think next month we’ll do the “Worst book to movie conversions”.
Each month we give away 2 prizes. 1st prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and 2nd prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate.
To win all you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing more! When we go to hit “Publish” we take a list of all of our subscribers, throw them into a random draw and those are the winners.
Our $50 gift certificate winner is Edward from Winston-Salem, NC and our $25 gift certificate winner is Ralphine from Greensburg, PA. Both of you have been e-mailed. If you don’t see anything, check your junk folder or contact me.
Book Club?
Every month I hear from subscribers about book clubs they’re in. They’ll send me reviews of a book that they’ve read etc based on their book club. I’ve had people suggest I start something like that in the newsletter or just pick a book a month that everyone should read and share their thoughts on.
Honestly I’m not sure I’m going to start anything like that due to time constraints but I’m up for giving something like that a try.
This month I plan on reading Stephen Kings It. I’ve never read the book and I saw the movie many, many years ago. With the remake coming I’ve decided to read the book. So if you want to join along and read it maybe we can get some discussion going about it for next month and we’ll see how it turns out.
Once you’re done reading it send an e-mail to site@orderofbooks.com and please make the subject heading “It” just so I don’t get any spoilers before I read it. And if you have any ideas for a book club or whatever send them along as well.
Book Recommendations:
In this section I give 4-5 random book recommendations. They can be old books, they can be new. But either way – I recommend you read them if the type of genre they are in appeals to you. Feel free to e-mail suggestions to site@orderofbooks.com as many of the suggestions each month are from our readers. If you wish to add a description for the book around the same size as the ones below that’d be great too!
Deal Breaker by Harlan Coben: After that write-up above I just HAD to recommend the first book in the Myron Bolitar series. Myron is a sports agent and has a hot quarterback rookie under contract. The quarterbacks girlfriend went missing years ago however now suddenly it seems she may be alive. Mysterious phone calls, mysterious packages being delivered and – man, sometimes I’m really bad with writing descriptions when it’s a book I’m passionate about. If you like mysteries then read this series. ’nuff said.
Alphabet House by Jussi Adler-Olsen: You may know Adler-Olsen from the popular Department Q series but he has written one incredible novel outside of that series known as The Alphabet House. A psychological thriller which takes place in WWII Nazi Germany – it’s about two UK pilots whose plane is shot down. They basically go in disguise as wounded SS officers to avoid detection but end up in a mental hospital. It’s an amazing story – particularly the first half – and an interesting look at a side of the war we never see. More details.
Only Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer: This is the first book in the Clifton Chronicles series by Jeffrey Archer. I personally haven’t read it yet but it’s on my list – I get at least 10 e-mails per month from people recommending it! These are historical fiction/family saga novels which follow the Clifton family throughout generations. It comes highly recommended by our readers to be sure to read up about it here.
April 2017 Book Of The Month
16th Seduction by James Patterson actually comes out on the 1st of May – however based on the traffic we’re getting a lot of people are eagerly anticipating the book so I wanted to make it the April book of the month!
The 15th book in the Women’s Murder Club was quite the book with a cliffhanger ending. The 16th book is a follow-up of that.
With the main theme of this book being who Lindsay can trust – let’s hope she goes back to basics and the book focuses more on the actual Women’s Murder Club.
For details about the 16th Seduction and the Womens Murder Club series in general, click here.
Your Thoughts:
Last month I asked you about the best book to movie conversions. The feedback is later in the newsletter.
This month I wanted to ask What book series have you read but like to go back to?
I mentioned above about going back and reading the Harlan Coben series. There are other series that I have went back and read at least once and often twice over the years. Such as Jack Reacher, Mitch Rapp and Spider Shepherd.
What series can you go back and read? What series has characters who were so great that you want to spend more time with them, even if you’ve read their stories before?
E-mail us your feedback to site@OrderOfBooks.com or just reply to this e-mail, and we’ll pick the best comments and feature it in next months newsletter.
Here’s Last Months Reader Mailbag.