Maggie O’Dell is a fictional character who is the protagonist of a series of suspense novels by American author Alex Kava. Maggie is a FBI Profiler. Kava is very much interested true life crime stories, which is largely what the series is based on.

The Maggie O’Dell series began in 2000 with A Perfect Evil, which was also Alex Kava’s debut novel. Below is a list of Alex Kava’s Maggie O’Dell books in order of when they were originally published (and in chronological order):

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Publication Order of Maggie O'Dell Books

Chronological Order of Maggie O'Dell Books

Publication Order of Maggie O'Dell Collections

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One Response to “Order of Maggie O’Dell Books”

  1. Nancy 2 years ago

    Hi Alex, will there be another Maggie O’Dell book after the one written in 2017? This is also an awesome series!!!
    Sincerely, Nancy Driscoll-Green


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