Geek Girl is a series of novels written by British author Holly Smale. The series follows a geeky 15-year old British girl named Harriet Manners who is the subject of bullying and has few friends. However, her whole life gets flipped upside down when a high profile fashion company selects her to be the center […]
After following the twins, Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, through grade school, middle school, high school and even senior years; it’s time for them to set off to college in the Sweet Valley University series. The books range their first two years in college as they cover both freshman and sophmore year.
The Sweet Valley Twins series is the first spin-off of the Sweet Valley High. This series focuses on the times, Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, as they enter Sweet Valley Middle School. The twins are starting to grow apart and that leads to all sorts of interesting situations for the girls. This is a good bridge […]
Noel Hynd is an American author of spy thriller, suspense and horror novels. He is also a screenwriter. Noel was born in New York City and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He has also studied in Switzerland. Noel has contributed to several different publications, including Sports Illustrated. He also co-founded a publishing imprint with […]
The success of the Sweet Valley High series was the onus for this spinoff which was aimed towards the girls who read Sweet Valley High’s little sisters. Not only that, it was a good way to get readers interested in the lives of the twins at a young age. These books are aimed for little […]
Debbie Behan is an Australian author of fantasy, women’s, YA and children’s fiction novels and short stories. She was born in the small town of Tallangatta, Victoria, Australia, which sits between mountain ranges and a body of water that runs all the way to the mountains. Sleeping outside during the summer nights with her siblings […]
Sweet Valley High: Senior Year is the last spin-off series of the Sweet Valley High series and has earned a ton of praise as the most realistic and modern of all of the many Sweet Valley books.
Fina Ludlow is the protagonist in a series of crime thriller novels by American novelist Ingrid Thoft. Fina Ludlow is a private investigator in a family of lawyers. She is the only one of her father’s children who didn’t complete law school, and instead of working for him as a lawyer, works for him as […]
Ingrid Thoft is an American author of crime fiction novels. She writes the Fina Ludlow series. Ingrid was born in Boston, Massachusetts. She attended and graduated from Wellesley College. She became interested in the life of a private investigator. Wanting to create a realistic, believable PI character, she found herself in the certificate program in […]
Sweet Valley High is a series of young adult novels that chronicles the lives of high school twins, Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield. They are the main stars of the books, but there are many other characters that inhabit the world. The series began in 1983 and has featured over 180 books as well as multiple […]