The Treehouse series is a series of children’s books by Australian author Andy Griffiths and Australian illustrator Terry Denton. Andy and Terry live in the most amazing treehouse in the world, which includes a bowling alley, swimming pool, underground laboratory and much more. As the series continues, more storeys are added and more goodies along […]
Andy Griffiths is an Australian author of children’s books. He writes the Treehouse series, the Just series and the Schooling Around series. He is a New York Times bestselling author. Andy’s work has been adapted for stage and television, and has won over 70 children’s awards in Australia. He regularly collaborates with illustrator Terry Denton.
Hardcastle is a series of historical mystery novels by British author Graham Ison. Set towards the end and after World War I, the series features Detective Inspector Ernest Hardcastle of the Whitehall Division of the Metropolitan Police. He works alongside Detective Serfeant Charles Marriott. The series is also known as the Hardcastle and Marriott series.
Brock and Poole is a series of crime fiction novels by British novelist Graham Ison. The series features Harry Brock – a chief inspector with Homicide and Serious Crime Command – and Detective Sergeant Dave Poole. From afar, the two are very different, but they share a mutual respect.
Graham Ison is a British author of crime fiction and historical mystery novels. He writes the Brock and Poole series and the Hardcastle series. Graham spend 30 years in Scotland Yard’s Special Branch, investigating espionage cases. He also spent four years working at 10 Downing Street as a Protection Officer, and also serving as second-in-command […]
Estelle Maskame is a Scottish author of YA novels. She writes the DIMILY series. Estelle began writing when she was 13, and had completed her DIMILY trilogy by the time she was 16. Despite being only a teenager, she gained enough acclaim for her writing that she was signed to a print contract with Black […]
Sgt. Major Crane is a protagonist in a series of military crime thriller novels by English novelist Wendy Cartmell. Sgt. Major Tom Crane is a detective with the British Army. The series is set in Aldershot, England.
Wendy Cartmell is an English author of crime thriller novels. She writes the Sgt. Major Crane series. Prior to becoming an author, Wendy was a primary school teacher and had also worked in sales, marketing and public relations. She picked up her love of reading from parents, and discovered her ability to write at Reading […]
Jacqueline Woodson is an American author of children’s books and young adult novels. Jacqueline grew up saying she’d be either a teacher, a lawyer or a hairdresser, but always knew that writing was what made her happiest. Her books tackle many issues such as interracial couples, teenage pregnancy and homosexuality. She likes to place both […]
The Secrets of Droon is a series of children’s fantasy novels by American novelist Tony Abbott. The series follows three kids – Eric, Julie and Neal – who find an enchanted stairway to the magical world of Droon. Droon is a place of wonders where adventure is never too far away. The trio often help […]