The Byrnes Family Ranch series is a series of western novels by American novelist Dusty Richards. The series follows Chet Byrnes, who is simply looking to build a life for his family, whether it be in Texas or elsewhere.


Dusty Richards is American author of western novels. He writes the Byrnes Family Ranch series and The Brandiron series. Dusty writes in the same place where he grew up – Arizona. This land of cactus, unforgiving heat, sidewinders and canyons is the land he explores with his stories of a different time. Aside from being […]


Sabrina Jeffries is an American author of romance novels. She writes several series, including the Sinful Suitors series. Sabrina is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She earned her Ph.D in English, and began working in the academic world. She moved on to work as a technical writer, and would write fiction […]


Love in Bloom: Seaside Summers is a series of contemporary romance novels by American author Melissa Foster. The series is set at the cottages in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where a group of friends gather every summer. The characters are funny, but flawed, and may remind readers of some of their own friends.


Love in Bloom: The Remingtons is a series of contemporary romance novels by American author Melissa Foster. The male characters of this series are alpha, the women empowered. Beyond that, they are flawed, funny and passionate – making them relatable to readers.


Love in Bloom: The Bradens is a series of contemporary romance novels by American novelist Melissa Foster. The Braden men are handsome, successful and loyal. But when they get together with their women, they can also be very naughty…


It’s July and I hope everyone’s having a good Summer so far. Here in Kingston, Ontario the weather has been fairly miserable with lots of rain. However that’s okay because reading is an all season sport. Whether it’s lounging out back in front of the pool reading as the sun hits me and I sip […]


Last month in the newsletter we asked people what their plans were for reading during the Summer. Here were the responses:


Fiona Barton is a former journalist turned author who used to work for newspapers such as the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph and Mail on Sunday. She is a winner of Reporter of the Year, a prestigious award handed out by the British Press Awards. Barton was able to be successful in more than one field […]


Melissa Foster is an American author of romance, romantic suspense, thriller and historical thriller novels. She writes the Love in Bloom series. Melissa is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She is the founder of the World Literary CafĂ©. When she’s not writing, Melissa helps authors navigate the publishing industry through her […]