Chantal Fernando is an Australian author of romance novels. She writes the Resisting Love, Maybe and Wind Dragons MC series. She is a New York Times, USA Today and Amazon bestselling author. Chantal loves all things romance. When she’s not reading, she can be found spending time with her family. Chantal lives in Western Australia.


Stacey Kennedy is an author of romance novels. She writes the Dirty Little Secrets and Club Sin series. Her romances are emotional, about powerful men and the wild women who tame them. Stacey loves chocolate, television, Urban Barn and wine. She lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, their children and dogs.


Welcome to January and welcome to 2017!  From a website and newsletter standpoint I’m really looking forward to this year! (Want to subscribe? It’s on the right side of the site in the sidebar)


We didn’t receive as much feedback on memorable scenes this month so instead I wanted to include a lot of the feedback we received about book recommendations, book reviews etc.


Vicky Knerly is an American author of a variety of genres, including adventure, historical and suspense novels. She is the writing partner of Gary Williams. Vicky is from Syracuse, New York. She has her Bachelor’s degree in English and two Master’s degrees. She currently works as the Assistant Director of Student Services and is an […]


Mary E. Pearson is an American author of YA fantasy novels. She writes the Jenna Fox Chronicles and the Remnant Chronicles series. Mary has always been interested in both story and character. Her mother recalls her wanting to be a new character every single day when she woke up, having to be addressed as said […]


Nathan M. Farrugia is an Australian author of technothriller novels. He writes the Fifth Column and the Helix series. Nathan has served as part of the infantry and reconnaissance divisions of the Australian Army. He has also studied film, television and professional writing. Some of the other jobs he has had include post-production video editor, […]


Louise Rennison (1951-2016) was a British author of young adult novels. She wrote the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series. Louise was also a comedian, who had live shows including “Stevie Wonder Felt My Face,” “Bob Marley’s Gardener Sold My Friend” and “Never Eat Anything Bigger Than Your Head.” Her novels were always well-recieved, but she […]


Kevin Emerson is an American author of children’s and young adult novels. He writes the Oliver Nocturne series. Kevin grew up in Cheshire, Connecticut and attended Colby College. Prior to writing, he had careers as a banker, camp counselor and school teacher. He also volunteers at 826 Seattle, a chapter of 826 National, a non-profit […]


James Carlos Blake is an American author of historical crime fiction and western novels. Blake was born in Mexico of American, English and Irish descent. He is descended from a British pirate who was executed in Mexico. He served in the U.S. Army Airborne, and then earned his B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University […]