The Tourist Trap Mysteries series is a series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Lynn Cahoon. The series follows store owner Jill Gardner in the small town of South Cove, California. No one would have thought the “more” in “Coffee, Books and More” would include murder…
Lynn Cahoon is an American author of cozy mystery, contemporary romance and fantasy novels. She writes the Tourist Trap Mysteries series. She is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Lynn lives in a small town – like the ones you can find in her novels – with her husband and two pets.
Patrick Ness is an American author of YA science fiction and fantasy novels. In addition to being an author, he is also a journalist and lecturer. Patrick is an American expat, living in London, England. He got his British citizenship in 2005 while retaining his American citizenship. He has taught creative writing at Oxford University […]
Michael Sears is an American author of financial thriller novels. He writes the Jason Stafford series. Prior to becoming a novelist, Michael was a Managing Director for two different Wall Street firms, where he worked in the bond market for twenty years as well as in foreign exchange and derivatives. Prior to returning to Columbia […]
Paolo Bacigalupi is an American author of science fiction and fantasy novels, writing for young adults and adults. He writes in the biopunk subgenre. Paolo has won the Hugo, Nebula, Compton Crook, Theodore Sturgeon and Michael L. Printz awards, among others. His writing has appeared in High Country News,, The Magazine of Fantasy and […]
Barbara Ross is an American author of cozy mystery novels. She writes the Maine Clambake Mysteries series. Barbara and her husband own the former Seafarer Inn at the head of the harbor in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. From her perch on the Seafarer’s wide front porch, Barbara’s had a chance to observe the quirks of life […]
Marty Wingate is an American author of cozy mystery novels and non-fiction books. She writes the Potting Shed Mysteries and Birds of a Feather Mysteries. Besides writing, Marty speaks about gardens and travel. Her garden articles appear in publications such as Fine Gardening, American Gardener, Country Gardens, and Gardening How-to. She also appears on the […]
Wayne Simmons is an Irish author of horror novels. The road to becoming a horror novelist was a bit of a winding one for Wayne. He wrote reviews and conducted interviews for various e-zines before his first novel was published. His work has been published in the UK, Austria, Germany, Spain, Turkey and North America. […]
Carolyn Brown is an American novelist of contemporary, historical and western romance and women’s fiction novels. She writes the Oklahoma Land Rush, Promised Land, Love’s Valley, Broken Roads, Spikes & Spurs and several other series. She is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Carolyn has loved reading since she was five years […]
Erik Larson is an American author of non-fiction books. He has written features for The Wall Street Journal and Time. His stories have been published in The New York, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s and more. Erik has taught non-fiction writing at San Francisco State University, the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars, and the University of Oregon. […]