The Yellow Rose Mysteries is a cozy mystery series by American novelist Leann Sweeney. The series follows Abby Rose, who is a Houston-based private investigator. She has also inherited a fortune and has a heart the size of her home state, Texas.


Leann Sweeney is an American author of cozy mystery novels. She writes the Yellow Rose Mysteries and Cats in Trouble Mysteries. Leann grew up in Niagara Falls, New York and was educated at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Lemoyne College in Syracuse, New York. She also got her degree in behavioral science from the University of […]


Roger Stelljes is an American novelist of mystery novels. He writes the McRyan Mystery series. Stelljes has lived in Minnesota all of his life. He is a big sports fan, following all of the Minnesota teams, including the Golden Gophers, Twins, Vikings and the Wild. His influences include Michael Crichton, David Baldacci, Scott Turow, W.E.B. […]


Alex Rutledge is the main character in a series of mystery novels by American novelist Tom Corcoran. Based out of Key West, Florida, Alex Rutledge is a freelance photographer who also works with the local police department on a part-time basis. This job brings him to all of the different crime scenes and often puts […]


Tom Corcoran is an American author of mystery novels and non-fiction books. Corcoran has lived in Florida since 1970. Before becoming an author, he worked as a disc jockey, bartender, travel counselor, navy officer, screenwriter, freelance photographer, magazine editor, computer graphic artist and journalist. He has written multiple books on muscle cars and written a […]


Seekers is a children’s fantasy series written under the pen name of Erin Hunter by Tui Sutherland and Cherith Baldry and is edited by Victoria Holmes. The books follow a polar bear named Kallik, a black bear named Lusa, a shapeshifting grizzly named Ujurak and another grizzly named Toklo. Together, the bears journey for somewhere […]


Warriors is a series of children’s fantasy novels by Erin Hunter – a pen name used by Victoria Holmes, Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui Sutherland and Gillian Philip. The Warriors are feral cats who are broken up into four clans – ThunderClan, WindClan, ShadowClan and RiverClan – that inhabit a forest. Each of the four […]


Hello all, We want to thank everyone who participated in our April 2013 contest to win a $100 gift certificate at Amazon. We will be running a similar contest in May, and will be posting the details soon. However now it is time to announce our winner. The winner of our $100 Amazon Gift Certificate […]


Erin Hunter is the pen name belonging to a team of authors that includes Victoria Holmes, Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui Sutherland and Gillian Philip. Together, they write children’s fantasy novels, including the Warriors series, Seekers series and Survivors series. After HarperCollins hired Victoria Holmes to write a fantasy series about feral cats, she would […]


Andrea Kane is an American author of historical and contemporary romance novels, suspense and psychological thriller novels. She writes the Forensic Instincts series. Andrea’s novels have been translated into over 20 languages. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and daughter.