The Scumble River Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American author Denise Swanson. The protagonist is a school psychologist named Skye Denison, who has run into a stretch of bad luck in the big city and has been forced to move home to the small town of Scumble River, Illinois.


Denise Swanson is an American novelist of cozy mystery novels. She is best known for writing the Scumble River Mysteries series. Before becoming a novelist, Denise worked as a school psychologist for 17 years. She lives in Illinois with her husband, Dave, and their cat.


Death Gate is a cycle of seven fantasy novels by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. The series is about the struggle between two races, the Sartan and the Patryns. The races both branched off from humans following a nuclear/anti-matter holocaust. The series was adapted into a computer game by Legend Entertainment.


Margaret Weis is an American author of fantasy novels. She is best known for being one of the creators of the Dragonlance universe (along with Laura and Tracy Hickman). She earned her Bachelor’s degree and then got a job working for a small publishing company in her hometown of Independence, Missouri. She applied for a […]


Paul Christopher is the protagonist in a series of spy thriller novels by American author Charles McCarry. Paul Christopher is the son of a German mother and an American father, born before the Second World War. He joins the CIA and spearheads an unauthorized investigation of the JFK assassination, making him an enemy within the […]


Charles McCarry wasan American author of spy thriller novels. He passed away on February 26th, 2019. Charles knew a thing or two about spies, as he worked for the CIA undercover between 1958-67. As far as his writing career, aside from being a novelist, he worked for National Geographic as editor-at-large. He wasbest known for […]


Gabriel Du Pre is the protagonist in a series of mystery novels by American novelist Peter Bowen. The series is set in Montana, featuring Gabriel Du Pre. Du Pre is a Metis who starts out as a cattle inspector, overseeing that cattle sales are on the level. The series is also known as the Montana […]


Peter Bowen (1945-2020) was an American author of western and mystery novels. Aside from being a novelist, Peter has worked as a cowboy, hunting & fishing guide, folk singer, poet, essayist. He is best known for his Gabriel Du Pre novels. Peter also writes articles (humour and hunting) using the pseudonym of Coyote Jack. Peter […]


Savannah Reid is the protagonist in a series of cozy mysteries by American author G.A. McKevett. Savannah Reid is a Memphis woman who was working as a cop in Southern California until she was fired. Now, she has started her own private detective business. Savannah is also trained in karate.


G.A. McKevett is the pen name of American author Sonja Massie. Under her real name, she has written historical romances, movie tie-ins and thrillers. Under her pen name, she writes the Savannah Reid cozy mystery series. Sonja worked as managing editor of Single Living magazine and has worked as a script doctor and storyline editor […]