Otherworld (also known as the Sisters of the Moon) is a series of urban fantasy novels by American author Yasmine Galenorn. The series follows the three D’Artigo Sisters, who are half-human and half-Fae. The sisters are member of the Otherworld Intelligence Agency (OIA). Camille is a witch, Delilah is a werecat and Menolly is an […]
Chintz ‘n China is a series of mystery/horror novels by American novelist Yasmine Galenorn. The series follows Emerald O’Brien, who is the owner of the Chintz ‘n China Tea Room, where not only can one get a tarot reading, but they can also get a hot cup of tea. Once it becomes known that Emerald […]
Yasmine Galenorn is an American author of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, mystery and horror novels. She also has written several non-fiction books focused on modern paganism. She has been a shamanic witch since 1980. She writes the Otherworld, Chintz ‘n China and Indigo Court series.
Robert Hunter is the central character in a series of thriller novels by Brazilian novelist Chris Carter. Robert Hunter is an LAPD homicide detective.
Chris Carter is a Brazilian author of thriller novels. Chris Carter has already lived enough for three or four lifetimes. After he graduated from high school in his native Brazil, Chris moved to the United States to study psychology and criminal behaviour. He went on to become a criminal psychologist, working on over a hundred […]
Jane Arnold is the central character of a series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Rita Mae Brown. Jane Arnold (also known as “Sister”) is a 70 year-old Master of the Foxhunt who hails from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Rita Mae Brown is herself an avid foxhunter and is master of her club. The […]
Mrs. Murphy is the central character in a series of cozy mystery novels by American author Rita Mae Brown. The eponymous character in the series, Mrs. Murphy, is actually the cat of 30-something divorcee Mary Minor “Harry” Haristeen. Together, they solve mysteries in the town of Crozet, Virginia.
Runnymede is a women’s fiction series by American author Rita Mae Brown. Runnymede is a small town in Maryland, right on the Mason-Dixon line. The town’s history is colourful – just like the women who live there.
Rita Mae Brown is an American author of mystery novels, romance novels and women’s fiction, as well as screenplays and poetry. She writes the Runnymede, Mrs. Murphy and Jane Arnold series. Rita has a degree in classics and English from New York University. Rita became a political activist in ’60s for multiple movements, including civil […]
Simon Serrailler is the central character in a series of crime fiction novels by English author Susan Hill. Simon Serrailler starts out in the series as a chief inspector in the fictional Cathedral city of Lafferton, England. He is the son of two doctors (now retired), and his sister and her husband are both GPs. […]