The Betrayed series is a historical thriller series by American author Carolyn McCray. The series is considered to be revisionist historical fiction, challenging Dan Brown in the controversy department.
Carolyn McCray is the pen name of American author Cristyn West. Growing up in San Francisco, Carolyn has always had an overactive imagination and has parlayed that into a career writing historical thrillers, mysteries and action-adventure novels. She has also dipped her toe into other genres such as horror and romance. She writes several series, […]
The Kent Family Chronicles is a historical fiction series by American author John Jakes. The series was written to commemorate the bicentennial anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. The books follows the Kent family, beginning prior to the American Revolution. Phillipe Charboneau travels from France to England and then to the United States, changing his […]
Brak the Barbarian is the protagonist in a series of fantasy novels by American novelist John Jakes. Part of the sword and sorcery sub-genre, Jakes was inspired to create his Brak the Barbarian character by Conan the Barbarian. He felt that there weren’t enough Conan stories to go around. Much like Conan, Brak goes on […]
John Jakes is an American author of historical fiction (including historical romance and western fiction) as well as science fiction and fantasy. His career began upon graduation, selling stories to pulp magazines. Following that, he worked in the advertising while writing on the side and in 1971, moved to full-time. He first gained widespread notice […]
Lee Ofsted is the central character in a series of mystery novels by Charlotte & Aaron Elkins. Lee is described as a struggling young LPGA player with a sixth sense for seeing through plots of murder.
Gideon Oliver is the protagonist in a series of mystery novels by American novelist Aaron Elkins. Gideon Oliver, nicknamed “The Skeleton Detective,” is a forensic anthropologist. The books are often credited with reviving the forensic mystery genre. The series was adapted (loosely) into a TV series on ABC in 1989 that ran for five episodes.
Aaron Elkins is an American author of mystery novels. Before becoming a novelist, Elkins was an anthropologist, thus it sense that his main character is forensic anthropologist Gideon Oliver. He has also written a series about a museum curator and co-authors a series of golf-themed mystery novels with his wife Charlotte, featuring Lee Ofsted.
Sea Haven is the location of two paranormal romance series by American author Christine Feehan. The town is home to the Drake sisters – all seven of them. Christine herself had ten sisters, which is what inspired her to create a series about a large family. The other series is the Sisters of the Heart […]
Leopard People (often simplified as the “Leopard series”) is a paranormal romance series by American novelist Christine Feehan. Each book in the series follows a different leopard-shifter and their love interest.