The Haggerty Mysteries series is a series of LDS-themed mystery/suspense novels by American novelist Betsy Brannon Green. In this series, Kate Singleton has gone through a life-altering tragedy, while at the same time having a contract out on her life. She must change everything about her life – not that there was much left.


Betsy Brannon Green is an American author of LDS-themed mystery and suspense novels. Betsy was born in Salt Lake City, but moved around a lot as her father was in the military. Her novels have been finalists multiple times for the Whitney Award for best mystery/suspense novel. Her novels have been described as the “comfort […]


Devin Murphy is an American author of historical and literary fiction novels. He is a bestselling author. Devin’s work has appeared in more than sixty different publications, such as The Missouri Review, Glimmer Train, and Confrontation. He is an Associate Professor at Bradley University. Devin lives in Chicago, Illinois with his wife and kids.


Michael Medved is an American author, political commentator, film critic, and radio show host. He is best known his his nationally syndicated radio show, but he has also written numerous books in the genres of entertainment, history, parenting, and politics.


Michael Morpurgo is an English book author, poet, playwrith and librettist. He is best known for authoring the classic children’s novel, War Horse. As an author, he is known for his unique style of “magical storytelling” with strong themes of triumph and characters who have a strong relationship with nature.


Jimmy Sangster (1927-2011) was a British author and screenwriter. Best known for his work as a screenwriter, Sangster began working at Hammer Films as a production assistant, among other jobs. Eventually, he was given the job of screenwriter as well. He also directed three films for the studio. Sangster passed away in 2011. He was […]


Michael Swanwick is an American science fiction author who has been publishing sci-fi stories since the 1980s. He won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1991 for Stations of the Tide. In addition to full-length novels, he has also written numerous short stories.


Nicole Den-Benn is a Jamaican author who is best known for her novel, Here Comes the Sun. That novel was named Best Book of the Year by the New York Times as well as other publications. The novel explores many of Jamaica’s controversial issues and she has said she hopes that it gets people talking […]


Mark Roberts is an English crime author out of Liverpool. He is best known for his DCI Eve Clay series of books. The first book in that series, Blood Mist, quickly made it to number one on the Australian kindle chart.


Eva Woods is English author of women’s fiction novels. She also writes mystery novels as Claire McGowan. Aside from being a novelist, Eva also teaches creative writing. She enjoys wine, pop music, and holidays. Eva lives in London, England.