Fairacre is a series of British literary fiction by English author Miss Read (Dora Jessie Saint). The series follows the various residents who live in the village of Fairacre, located in the English countryside. Miss Read is also a character in the series – she is a schoolmistress who teaches a group of lovable children.
Miss Read was the pen name of English novelist Dora Jessie Saint (1913-2012); an author of novels set on the British countryside. Her series included Fairacre and Thrush Green – both set in British villages. “Miss Read” was also a character who appeared in her Fairacre series. Saint also worked as a teacher. She retired […]
Albert Campion is the central character in a series of crime fiction novels and short stories by British author Margery Allingham. Campion was apparently created as a parody of Dorothy L. Sayers‘ Lord Peter Wimsey character but eventually developed his own personality. Like Wimsey, he is also a British gentleman. He is described as thin, […]
Margery Allingham (1904-1966) was an English author of crime fiction, best known for her novels featuring Albert Campion. She started out writing for The Strand, but stopped once her Albert Campion series gained enough success. Allingham died in 1966 from breast cancer.
The Lorien Legacies is a series of YA sci-fi/fantasy novels by Pittacus Lore (James Frey & Jobie Hughes). The series follows nine aliens who appear to be human that were brought to Earth when they were six year-olds. Their purpose is to allow their powers to develop and then return home to their home planet, […]
Jobie Hughes is an American novelist of YA sci-fi/fantasy under the collective pseudonym of Pittacus Lore (with James Frey) and also literary fiction. Jobie started writing at age 24 and left Ohio for New York City to attend Columbia University’s School of the Arts. He graduated in 2009 with an MFA in Creative Writing.
James Frey is an American author of YA sci-fi/fantasy and general fiction. He writes under the collaborative pseudonym of Pittacus Lore alongside Jobie Hughes, writing the Lorien Legacies series together. Frey struggled with addictions, which became a basis of his memoirs A Million Little Lies: Exposing James Frey’s Fiction Addiction. The memoirs made waves when […]
Victoria Trumbull is the protagonist in a series of cozy mysteries by American novelist Cynthia Riggs. Victoria is a 92 year-old who thinks that she’s still 20. She has an eye for detail and a razor-sharp mind. The series is set on Martha’s Vineyard and is also known as the Martha’s Vineyard Mysteries. She doesn’t […]
Cynthia Riggs is an American author of cozy mystery novels. She has written for the National Geographic Institute and Smithsonian – at one point spending two months in Antartica. She has also worked in PR for the American Petroleum Institute, operated boat charters, ran the Chesapeake Bay Ferry Boat Company and worked as a rigger […]
Kushiel’s Legacy is a series of fantasy novels by American novelist Jacqueline Carey. The series is set in Terre d’Ange, where the people follow a demi-god named Elua. Terra d’Ange is based on France. The series also includes locations based on other countries in Europe. The books start out following Phedre no Delaunay, a courtesan’s […]