The Buckhorn Brothers is a series of romance novels by American author Lori Foster. The series is a series of various romantic tales set in Buckhorn County, Kentucky. The series is also known as the Sawyer Family series.
Men To The Rescue is a series of romantic suspense novels by American author Lori Foster. The series follows various private investigators looking into mysterious deaths.
The Visitation and Winston Brothers series are two connected series of romantic fiction by American novelist Lori Foster. The Winston Brothers series follows the Winston Brothers, which includes Mack, Cole, Chase and Zane. The Visitation series is a related series set in the town of Visitation, North Carolina.
Lori Foster is an American novelist of romance and romantic suspense novels as well as urban fantasy using the pen name L.L. Foster. Lori fell in love with romantic fiction when she was out sick with pneumonia. After two years, she decided she wanted to write her own romance novels. Her favourite romance novelists include […]
The Irish Country series is a series of novels by Irish-Canadian author Patrick Taylor. The series follows Barry Laverty, who has his medical degree and goes for a job working as an assistant at a small practice in the village of Ballybucklebo. Here he will learn more about life, love and the country life than […]
Patrick Taylor is an Irish-Canadian novelist of world literature and medical fiction. Patrick studied medicine in Northern Ireland before he left for Canada to work in human infertility. He received three lifetime achievement awards for his work. His novels are all set in Northern Ireland and all have achieved bestseller status in Canada to date. […]
Seven Realms is a series of young adult fantasy novels by American author Cinda Williams Chima. The series follows an ex-thief named Han Alister and Raisa ana’Marianna, a princess heir. They both came from different beginnings, but now their lives have intertwined in order to protect the kingdom of Fellsmarch.
Cinda Williams Chima is an American novelist of YA contemporary fantasy. Cinda started writing when she was in high school, but stopped in order to focus on college. After receiving her master’s, she worked as a clinical dietitian in Cleveland. She wouldn’t resume writing until her sons were teenagers. She is the author of The […]
Bailey Ruth is a series of paranormal-themed mystery novels by American author Carolyn Hart. Bailey Ruth Raeburn is the ghost of a woman who had been killed at sea, who has returned to her hometown of Adelaide, Oklahoma in order to save the life of a woman that it turns out she disliked when she […]
The Henrie O series is a series of cozy mystery novels by American author Carolyn Hart. Henrie O’Dwyer Collins is a retired newswoman who travels the world and solves mysteries everywhere she goes. Henrie is in her 70s, rather tenacious and known for her grit.