Death On Demand is a cozy mystery series by American novelist Carolyn G. Hart. The series follows Annie Laurance, the owner of a bookstore called “Death on Demand” in the fictional community of Broward’s Rock, South Carolina. Due to the backdrop of a bookstore, other mystery authors and their books are often referenced.
Carolyn Gimpel Hart is an American author of cozy mystery novels, including her Death on Demand and Henrie O series. In 1964, Carolyn won a writing contest for a mystery novel targetted at teenage girls. She then wrote YA mysteries until 1972. For the next 15 years, she would write standalone suspense titles, as publishers […]
Night Soldiers is a series of historical spy novels by American author Alan Furst. The series is about a very dark time in history – World War II in Eastern Europe. Furst writes the prose in a lyrical fashion and has meticulously researched this series.
Alan Furst is an American author of historical spy fiction. His novels are usually set in Eastern Europe before and during World War II. He is best known for his Night Soldiers series. He considers his influences to be Eric Ambler, Graham Greene, Joseph Roth and Arthur Koestler.
Spookskville is a children’s horror series by American novelist Christopher Pike. The series centers around a group of friends who live in a strange town that is home to many supernatural happenings. Some of the unexplained occurrences include interdimensional travel, aliens, time travel and lots more.
The Last Vampire is a series of YA horror novels by American author Christopher Pike. The series follows a 5,000 year-old vampire named Sita, who is the last of her kind. Despite her age, Sita appears to be a teenager and thus she blends in perfectly in high school. The series is also known as […]
Christopher Pike is the pen name of Kevin Christopher McFadden, an American author of young adult thrillers, horror, sci-fi and children’s novels. Pike started out writing adult mysteries until it was suggested by an editor that he try his hand at teen thrillers. Pike is a private person, rarely giving interviews, but he has acknowledged […]
Truman Smith is the central character in a series of mystery novels by American novelist Bill Crider. “Tru” is a nearly-40 retired P.I. from Dallas who has moved back home to Galveston, Texas in order to pursue the disappearance of his sister. Meanwhile, he earns his living taking odd jobs.
Sheriff Dan Rhodes is the protagonist in a series of mystery novels by American author Bill Crider. The series is set in small-town Texas, where Sheriff Rhodes lives alongside some strange people who sometimes commit some strange crimes.
Bill Crider is an American author of mystery, western and horror novels along with children’s books. He is best known for his Sheriff Dan Rhodes series, but has other series including the Truman Smith series. Before becoming a novelist, Crider taught English at Howard Payne University for over a decade. After that, he earned his […]