Billy Boyle is a fictional character created by American novelist James R. Benn. Following in his family’s footsteps, Billy is a detective with the Boston Police Department. When the United States joins World War II, it is feared that Billy will be killed defending the British.


James R. Benn is an American author of historical fiction and mystery novels. He is best known for his Billy Boyle series, which is set during World War II. Before becoming an author, he got his Bachelors degree from the University of Connecticut and also got his Master of Library Science from Southern Connecticut State […]


Annie Raymond is the protagonist in a series of crime fiction novels by British author Penny Grubb. Annie works as a private investigator.


Penny Grubb is an English author of crime fiction. Penny started writing at age 4 and was entering writing competitions at age 9. Her books feature private investigator Annie Raymond. Penny also works as a scientist.


Jordan Poteet is a fictional character featured in a series of detective fiction novels by American author Jeff Abbott. The series is set in Texas and is centered around Poteet’s eccentric family, living in a small town in Texas.


Jeff Abbott is an American author of detective fiction, suspense and thriller novels. A common theme in Abbott’s work is when every day people fall into danger and must fight to return everything to normal. He has several series characters, including Jordan Poteet, Whit Mosley and Sam Capra.


Lorenzo Carcaterra is an American author of suspense novels. He is best known for his novel Sleepers, which he claims is autobiographical (although there is much debate about the fact). Carcaterra has written and produced several episodes of the television show Law and Order. He also worked on the video game Alone in the Dark.


Jack Carpenter is the protagonist of a series of crime fiction novels by American novelist James Swain. Jack was a cop in South Florida until he was fired for using excessive force. Out of work, he turns to private eye work in order to stop child abductors and the ilk.


Tony Valentine is the protagonist in a series of crime fiction novels by American author James Swain. Valentine is an ex-cop originally from New Jersey who used to patrol the Atlantic City casinos. After retirement, he headed south to Florida, but is lured into Las Vegas, where he can put his skills to use against […]


James Swain is an American author of crime fiction and mystery novels. He is also a magician and has published some non-fiction books about magic. His characters include Tony Valentine and Jack Carpenter. James’ books consist of four acts – the older ones range from 300-400 pages, while his newer books are over 400.