Ringworld is a hard science fiction series that is part of the Known Space universe, created by American novelist Larry Niven. The series involve big science, theoretical physics, detective fiction and adventure. The universe includes Ringworld, the Ringworld prequels, the Man-Kzin series and several standalone novels.


Larry Niven is an American author of hard science fiction, best known for his Ringworld series, which is part of the largely Known Space universe. Much like Isaac Asimov, his books follow a set of rules, which include:


Football Genius is a series of young adult sports novels by American author Tim Green. The main character is Troy White, who has the unique ability to predict any game play before it happens.


Casey Jordan is the protagonist of a series of legal thriller novels by American novelist Tim Green. Casey is an attorney that is clever, ambitious and willing to take risks. She has the brains and the looks to close any deal.


Tim Green is an American author of sports-themed, legal thrillers and suspense novels. Before becoming an author, Green was a linebacker and defensive end for the Atlanta Falcons. He was a first-round draft pick in 1986. He is also a sports commentator and an practicing attorney in New York.


Safehold is a series of science fiction novels by American author David Weber. The series is largely set in the 31st century on a distant planet called “Safehold,” where the humans are in hiding from an alien race known as the Gbaba. When first contact was made between the two races, the Gbaba nearly completely […]


War God is a series of epic fantasy novels by American novelist David Weber. The protagonist of the series is Bahzell Bahnakson, a hradani known for uncontrollable rages, bloodthirsty tendencies and inability to maintain civilized conduct.


Honor Harrington is a fictional character created by American novelist David Weber. Her full name is Honor Stephanie Alexander-Harrington and she is the featured character in his Honorverse universe – a military science fiction series. Honor is an officer in the space navy. The series is set between the years 4002 and 4022. The Honorverse […]


David Weber is an American author of science fiction and fantasy. Subgenres that Weber has written in include epic fantasy, space opera, alternate history and military sci-fi. His most well known character is Honor Harrington, which is the nucleus of the “Honorverse.” Weber says he focuses on character development so that he can feel comfortable […]


The Tales from Grace Chapel Inn is a multi-author Christian-themed series published by Guideposts. The authors of the series include Melody Carlson, Rebecca Kelly, Judy Baer, Jane Orcutt, Diann Hunt, Carolyne Aarsen, Susan Meier, Sunni Jeffers, Jolyn Sharp & William Sharp, Barbara Andrews & Pam Hanson, Annie Jones and Anne Marie Rodgers.