The Dollanganger series is a series of gothic horror/family saga novels by American author V.C. Andrews and ghostwriter Andrew Neiderman. The series begins with Andrews’ most famous book, Flowers in the Attic, where the Dollanganger children are imprisoned by their mother and grandmother in an attic.


Virigina C. Andrews (1923-1986) was an American novelist who wrote gothic horror novels involving families. . Her most famous work is Flowers in the Attic.


James W. Huston is an American novelist who writes military and legal thrillers. Before becoming an author, Huston was in the U.S. Navy and practiced law, which he still does to this day. After writing editorials for local newspapers in the 90s, he decided to try his hand at writing fiction. After writing two novels […]


Little House is a series of historical fiction children’s books by American author Laura Ingalls Wilder. The series is based on the childhood of Laura Ingalls Wilder, although it is still considered a fiction series rather than non-fiction. The series begins in the 1860’s and is set in the Midwestern United States. It focuses on […]


Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957) was an American author of the Little House series – a series of children’s novels based on her own life growing up in a pioneer family. Before gaining fame as a novelist, Laura worked as a teacher as well as on the farm. The Little House series has been adapted several […]


The Elenium and The Tamuli are two epic fantasy series by American novelist David Eddings. Both series are trilogies. The series follow the adventures of Sir Sparhawk – a Pandion Knight. His nemesis is a knight named Martel who has been expelled from the Pandion order.


The Belgariad and The Malloreon are two epic fantasy series by American author David Eddings. The series follows Belgarion, Polgara and Belgarath on their adventures. There are also a few related books that don’t fit into either series.


David Eddings (1931-2009) was an American author of epic fantasy novels. Eddings has several series, but most are actually sub-series of greater series – The Belgariad & The Malloreon and The Elenium & The Tamuli. Eddings also has The Dreamers, which he co-authored with wife Leigh Eddings.


The Nina Wilde/Eddie Chase series is a series of action/thriller novels by British author Andy McDermott. It follows Nina Wilde (an American archaeologist) and Eddie Chase (an ex-SAS soldier) who Nina hires as her bodyguard.


Andy McDermott is an English novelist of thriller novels. He is best known his series featuring archaeologist Dr. Nina Wilde and ex-SAS soldier Eddie Chase. Besides being a novelist, McDermott has also been a journalist, film critic and magazine editor.