The Santangelo novels is a romance series by British author Jackie Collins. The series centers around the Santangelo family, including ex-gangster Gino Santangelo and others in his family. The series has been adapted into two separate television mini-series, one being Lucky Chances (based on the Santangelo novels Lucky and Chances) and the other being based […]
The Hollywood series is a series of novels by English author Jackie Collins. The series consists of unrelated characters from book to book, rather focusing on a common theme of the power and celebrity of Hollywood. The first book, Hollywood Wives, was adapted into a ratings hit ABC TV mini-series by Aaron Spelling back in […]
Jackie Collins is an English novelist who writes steamy romance novels. She is the sister of actress Joan Collins. Jackie herself has acted in B-movies before she started writing. Her series include the Hollywood series, the Santangelo novels and the Madison Castelli series.
Detective Sergeant Logan McRae is a fictional character featured in a series of crime thriller novels by Scottish author Stuart MacBride. Logan works for the Grampian Police in Aberdeen, Scotland. He has just returned from leave after he was stabbed 23 times by “The Mastruck Monster” Angus Robertson.
Stuart MacBride is a Scottish novelist of crime thriller novels largely set in Aberdeen. Although he has written some standalone novels, his main character is Logan McRae. He has set one of his novels (Halfhead) in the future, leading some to consider him delving into the science fiction genre, to which he says, “crime fiction […]
Linda Howard is an American novelist of romantic suspense novels. She was inspired to become an author by reading Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind. She then spent 21 years writing as a hobby before she submitted a novel to a publisher and became a published author.
The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy adventure novel written by English author J.R.R. Tolkien. The novel follows hobbits Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took and others including Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, Legolas and Gandalf during the War of the Ring. The Lord of the Rings was adapted into a […]
J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) was an English author best known for his high fantasy novels including The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and others. Aside from being an author, Tolkien was also a poet, university professor and philologist. Due to Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings books, he was able to breathe new life into the […]
The Godmothers is a series of women’s fiction novels by American novelist Fern Michaels. The series also has elements of suspense involved.
The Sisterhood is a series of romantic suspense novels by American novelist Fern Michaels. The Sisterhood series is also known as the Revenge of the Sisterhood.