The Prey series (also known as the Lucas Davenport series) is a series of novels written by American author John Sandford. The series started with Rules of Prey in 1989 and continues to this day with approximately one book published per year.


John Sandford is an American novelist who is best known for his excellent Prey series, along with the popular Kidd and Virgil Flowers series. In addition to these book series, he has written a couple of standalone novels as well.


Dean Koontz‘s Frankenstein series is a series of horror/suspense novels by Koontz that feature the character known as Deucalion (formerly known as The Monster).


Moonlight Bay is a suspense/mystery trilogy series of novels by American author Dean Koontz. It follows the character Christopher Snow who discovers a conspiracy involving a military compound. The character suffers from XP, meaning he is extremely sensitive to light.


Odd Thomas is a series of thriller novels by prolific American author Dean Koontz featuring the title character. Odd Thomas is a twenty year-old fry cook and talented writer from California who can converse with the dead.


The Black Cat Mysteries is a series of novels featuring character Mike Tucker by prolific American author Dean Koontz.


Dean Koontz is an extremely prolific author known for his suspense thriller novels. However, he also adds elements of other genres such as horror, sci-fi, mystery and satire.


Alexander Hawke is a character by author Ted Bell featured in a series of spy thriller novels.


Nick McIver: Adventures Through Time is a series of books for young adults by American author Ted Bell.


Sean King and Michelle Maxwell are fictional creations of author David Baldacci. The characters initially meet up in Split Second. Michelle Maxwell made a mistake that cost her a career in the Secret Service. Sean King is also an ex Secret Service agent, making a mistake many years earlier. The two end up meeting up, […]