In the October 2023 Newsletter, I asked readers some ChatGPT inspired Halloween questions.


In the September 2023 newsletter, I asked readers who they discuss books with. Here are the responses:


In the August 2023 newsletter, I asked readers what the last book series they started was. Here are the responses:


In the July newsletter, I asked readers if they judge a book chapter by chapter, or wait until the end of the book. Here are the responses:


In the June 2023 newsletter, I asked readers if they re-read books and if so, what books. Here were the responses:


In the May 2023 newsletter, I asked the readers what their favourite settings in books are. Here were their responses:


In the April 2023 newsletter, I asked readers what the first adult book they had read was. Here are the responses:


In the March 2023 newsletter, I asked readers if they had watched any recent adaptations of books, and if so what they thought of them. Here were their responses:


Hi everyone and welcome to March! I was hoping to send this out last night after working on it during the day but ran out of time. It did remind me of a few years ago when I sent one out late at night and received a hilarious complaint. It wasn’t too late – around […]


In the February 2023 newsletter, I asked readers how long they last on a book they are not enjoying, before giving up on it. Here are the responses: