Gwen Moffat is an British author of mystery novels. She is the author of the Miss Melinda Pink series. Gwen is also a mountaineer and mountain guide. She was an Army driver at the end of World War II when she met a climber who introduced her to the lifestyle. She spent the ’40s and […]
Gary Bell is an English author of legal thriller novels. He writes the Elliot Rook QC series. When Gary left school, he didn’t have any qualifications, so he worked as an apprentice mechanic, forklift truck driver, production line worker, builder, fireman and door-to-door salesman. He was also a football hooligan, and was arrested for fraud […]
Gae Polisner is an author of YA novels. She has been reading and writing since childhood. She started with poetry, eventually moving on to short stories. After graduating from law school and practicing family law, she realized that she missed writing and began working on a novel. It would take a couple of tries, but […]
Fiona Erskine is an English author of mystery novels. She is also a professional engineer, based out of Teesside, England. Trips to places like Brazil, Russia, India, and China are common for her. She is quite often the lone female at board meetings, on cargo ships, in factories, and on offshore oil rigs. Her works […]
Felicity McLean is an Australian author of mystery/thriller novels. She is also a journalist, and has interviewed many of the most popular and well-respected authors around. She has made appearances at such events as Sydney Writers’ Festival, Adelaide Writers’ Week, Bryant Park Reading Room NYC and others.
Erica Jong is an American novelist, poet and essayist. She writes the Isadora Wing series. Erica uses her writing to give a powerful and rational voice toward the feminist consciousness. Her writing has appeared in such publications as New York Times, the Sunday Times of London, Elle, Vogue, and the New York Times Book Review.
Emily A. Duncan is an American author of YA fantasy novels. She writes Something Dark and Holy series. Emily has her Master’s degree in library science from Kent State University, and works as a youth services librarian. When she isn’t reading or writing, she plays a lot of video games and Dungeons & Dragons.
Ellen Schreiber is an American author of YA novels. She writes the Vampire Kisses series. She is a New York Times bestselling author. Prior to becoming a novelist, Ellen was an actress and a stand-up comedian. Her brother Mark Schreiber is also an author. When she was flying to LA, Mark gave her a YA […]
Elizabeth Bromke is an American author of women’s fiction and contemporary romance novels. She writes the Maplewood Sisters, Hickory Grove, Birch Harbor, and other series. In her writing, she looks to mix family dynamics with the triumphs and tribulations involved in modern relationships. Included are echoes of the past that flavour her stories with a […]
Elijah R. Freeman is an American author of urban fiction novels. In his writing, he draws from his own life experiences on the streets and behind the wall in order to give the reader specifics rather than the generalities that have become common in the genre. He decided to try his hand at writing urban […]