The Emily Kane Adventures is a series of YA action-adventure/spy fiction novels by Jacques Antoine. The protagonist, Emily Kane, is a high school student. She grew up in Virginia, learning martial arts from her father. Now, as a junior in high school, she is constantly fighting against foreign agents who want the young woman dead.
Jacques Antoine is an author of YA action-adventure novels. He writes the Emily Kane series. Jacques is a college professor who writes at night. He began writing martial arts stories for his daughter when she was studying karate. These stories soon evolved into full-length novels for young adults. In his spare time, Jacques enjoys walking […]
Jamie K. Schmidt is an American author of contemporary and paranormal romance novels. She is a USA Today bestselling author. Jamie has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the State University of New York at New Paltz in Secondary Education English. She got the degree in order to teach high school English. When that didn’t […]
Jason F. Wright is an American author of Christian fiction and non-fiction books. He is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author. He has also written for the Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, and about 50 other publications, including the Deseret News and Northern Virginia Daily as a weekly columnist. […]
Jenn Burke is a Canadian author of paranormal and science fiction romance novels. She writes the Chaos Station series (alongside Kelly Jensen). Jenn has been reading adventurous romance novels since she was a preteen. She lives in the Ottawa, Ontario area with her husband, two kids and two dogs.
Jarrett Lerner is an author/illustrator of children’s books and graphic novels. He writes the EngiNerds series and the Geeger the Robot series. Jarrett is the co-founder of MG Book Village – an online hub for all things Middle Grade. He lives with his family in Massachusetts.
Gill Hornby is an English author of historical and women’s fiction novels, and non-fiction books. She is also a journalist. Gill and husband Robert Harris live with their four children in Berkshire, England.
Jessica N. Watkins is an American author of urban chick lit, erotica and contemporary urban fiction novels. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and her Master of Applied Professional Studies in Business Administration from DePaul University. She’s spent most of her working life in Hospital Administration, but has been wrting since she was […]
Joan He is an American author of YA novels. She was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She began oil painting when she was young, but came to realize she preferred storytelling. Joan studied psychology and Chinese history at the University of Pennsylvania. She writes from a desk with a view of the waterfront.
Joan D. Vinge is an American author of science fiction and fantasy novels. She writes the Snow Queen Cycle, the Cat series and the Heaven’s Chronicle series. Joan earned her B.A. in anthropology from San Diego State University. She has taught at the SF&F workshop Clarion Workshop multiple times. When not writing, Joan makes dolls […]