Ilana Masad is an Israeli-American author, essayist and book critic. She identifies as queer. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Paris Review, NPR, BuzzFeed, Catapult, StoryQuarterly, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and more. She hosts a podcast on fiction writers called The Other Stories. Ilana is currently studying for […]


Inger Frimansson is a Swedish author of psychological crime thriller novels. Prior to becoming a novelist, she spent 30 years as a journalist. In Swedish, she has written about 25 books, including poetry, short stories, and children’s books.


Ismée Amiel Williams is an author of YA contemporary novels. Other than being a novelist, Ismée also practices pediatric cardiology. She trained and practiced at New York’s Columbia University Medical Center for 15 years. As of this writing, she practices at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx. Ismée decided to become a writer when she was […]


J-F. Dubeau is a Canadian author of science fiction and fantasy, and horror novels. He works as a graphic designer, and uses that medium to tell stories through his work. Dubeau is fascinated with science, and comes up with ideas for his stories from the clash of thought and science, and where it can lead […]


J.G. Faherty is an American author of YA horror, science fiction and fantasy novels and stories. His stories range from quiet, dark suspense to over-the-top comic gruesomeness. Growing up, his preferred playground was a 17th-century cemetery. Faherty enjoys urban exploring, photography, old B-movies, good wine, and pumpkin beer.


J. Lynn Bailey is an author of New Adult and contemporary romance novels. Aside from being an author, J. Lynn is also a mother and a wife. She’s often going between soccer practices, working on school fundraisers, and chasing the dog around. When she’s not doing those things, she is usually in her writing room […]


The Emily Kane Adventures is a series of YA action-adventure/spy fiction novels by Jacques Antoine. The protagonist, Emily Kane, is a high school student. She grew up in Virginia, learning martial arts from her father. Now, as a junior in high school, she is constantly fighting against foreign agents who want the young woman dead.


Jacques Antoine is an author of YA action-adventure novels. He writes the Emily Kane series. Jacques is a college professor who writes at night. He began writing martial arts stories for his daughter when she was studying karate. These stories soon evolved into full-length novels for young adults. In his spare time, Jacques enjoys walking […]


Jamie K. Schmidt is an American author of contemporary and paranormal romance novels. She is a USA Today bestselling author. Jamie has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the State University of New York at New Paltz in Secondary Education English. She got the degree in order to teach high school English. When that didn’t […]


Jason F. Wright is an American author of Christian fiction and non-fiction books. He is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author. He has also written for the Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, and about 50 other publications, including the Deseret News and Northern Virginia Daily as a weekly columnist. […]