The Charlie Crawford Mystery series is a series of mystery novels set in Palm Beach, Florida. The series is authored by Tom Turner and features Charlie Crawford, a former New York Police Department detective, who makes his way to Palm Beach for a quieter life, but soon finds that some of the residents here are […]
John Donohue is an author best known for writing the Burke/Yamashita thriller series. The books have been praised for their depiction of the martial arts world in a realistic and gritty way.
Eric Vall is a prolific author who has written many book series, including the Summoner series, the Without Law series, the Metal Mage series, the Dragon Emperor series, and the Succubus Lord series.
John J. Gobbell is an American author and former member of the U.S. Navy. He is best known as the writer of Todd Ingram series of books which began in 2019 with the release of The Last Lieutenant.
Each month we ask our Facebook followers for a book or series recommendation based on a particular genre or similar parameters – and then print the answers in our mid-month newsletter. I thought it would be a good idea to have a separate page listing these, as I use it as a reference guide often. […]
S.R. White made his writing debut in 2020 with the release of Hermit. His debut was nominated for the Crime Writers’ Association award for the best crime novel by a first-time author. The book also had success in Australia, becoming a top ten bestseller.
Candice Carty-Williams is a British writer who debuted on the scene in 2019 with Queenie. That book would go on to be named Book of the Year at the British Book Awards. Carty-Williams was the first black woman to win that award in its history.
Eric Wilson is an American author best known for writing the Senses series and the By the Numbers series.
Katie Winters is the author of women’s fiction and clean romance. She is best known for writing the Vineyard Sunset series of books.
Tom Turner is an American author and the creator of the Charlie Crawford Palm Beach Mysteries series. His writing has been compared to the late, great Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiassen.