A American
A. American is a pseudonym for an American author of survivalist-themed military fiction novels. He writes the Survivalist series. He has been prepping and working with survival communities for over 20 years. He is an outdoorsman who is knowledgeable about the usage of plants for medicinal and nourishment purposes. He also possesses primitive survival skills. A. American lives on the edge of the Pisgah National Forest in North Carlina with his wife and three daughters.

A. American became a published novelist in 2012 with the novel Going Home. Below is a list of A. American’s books in order of when they were originally released:

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Publication Order of The Survivalist Books

Publication Order of Charlie's Requiem Books

(with Walt Browning)

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Hope (With: G. Michael Hopf)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cry Havoc(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Ramblin' Man(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Decline and Decay: Strategies for Surviving the Coming Unpleasantness (With: Alan Kay)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

If You Like A. American Books, You’ll Love…

A. American Synopsis: In Going Home by A. American (book 1 of the Survivalist series), Morgan Carter’s car breaks down over 200 miles away from his house. Obviously, his plans for the weekend are out the window. But that’s just the beginning. The entire country’s power grid has gone out. There is no electricity, no water, no internet and no idea when things will get back to normal. Thankfully, Morgan Carter is a skilled survivalist, and he hits the road with his prepper pack.

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10 Responses to “Order of A. American Books”

  1. Pilot11: 9 months ago

    Been a “window licker” since almost day one Chris. Life led me away, but I’m caught up now. Looking for book #13!


  2. Michael schmidt: 2 years ago

    Your books are gripping. The last 6 in the Survivalist series, I read each in 2 days time. Now I find myself hoping and praying for book 12 and more, to come out soon.
    The characters and story are intriguing and their interactions are great. I can picture all of this actually happening (praying it doesn’t). Please keep them coming.


  3. Joseph Puentes: 2 years ago

    I’m loving the books but just in case you do a 2nd edition of Surviving Home I’ve got a list of typos to correct. They didn’t bother me as the content is superb!


  4. Robert: 2 years ago

    Absolutely love this series!! Have read through 1-11 at least 6 times…meaning that it’s time for book 12…soon, I hope.


  5. Joe: 2 years ago

    I absolutely loved this series. I hope to see more books from you soon.


  6. Kevin: 3 years ago

    Absolutely love the series. Changed my life. I just received book 11 and can’t put it down even though most of the pages are falling out of the book. The binding glue is not holding the pages in. Thought you should know. Thanks for opening eyes and making people realize what is important


  7. Schteveo: 3 years ago

    Great books. I’m very knowledgeable about survival and prepping, but I’m always ready to learn. These books are a goid primer and refresher course on grid down / SHTF situations. Read them as if your life depends on it, as it may very well in the future.


    • Scott Brown: 9 months ago

      I have read all 12 books and I can’t wait for book 13 to come out


    • Scott Brown: 9 months ago

      Have read all 5 of the Charlie Requiem books and I’m waiting on the next one.


  8. Philosopher Deplorabilis: 7 years ago

    Awesome series. Needs to consolidate and resell.


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