Brad Parks
Brad Parks is an American author of mystery and thriller novels. He writes the Carter Ross series. His novels combine humour with gritty urban realism. Brad covered high school sports for his hometown newspaper, The Ridgefield Press, when he was 14 years old. Once he got to Dartmouth College, he started his own sports newspaper. When he was still a student, he worked for The New York Times and as an intern for The Boston Globe. Following graduation, he worked for The Washington Post as an intern and was then hired on a full-time basis. When he was 26, Brad started writing fiction at the cafe inside a Barnes & Noble while his wife was studying. Parks is the only author who can say they have won the Shamus, Nero and Lefty awards.

Brad Parks became a published novelist in 2009 with the novel Faces of the Gone, which was the first of his Carter Ross series. The novel won the 2010 Shamus Award and the 2010 Nero Award. Below is a list of Brad Parks’ books in order of when they were originally published:

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Publication Order of Carter Ross Mystery Books

Chronological Order of Carter Ross Mystery Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Say Nothing(2017)Description / Buy at
Closer Than You Know(2018)Description / Buy at
The Last Act(2019)Description / Buy at
Interference(2020)Description / Buy at
Unthinkable(2021)Description / Buy at
The Boundaries We Cross(2024)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

The Whistleblower(2019)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Anthologies

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6 Responses to “Order of Brad Parks Books”

  1. Beth Maxwell: 2 years ago

    Just finished The Last Act – my fourth book written by you. You are fast becoming a favorite.
    I first was exposed to your work when I attended the Lifelong Learning Society’s Writing Workshop at CNU, where you spoke and got a huge endorsement from my dear friend, Doris Gwaltney, who has since passed away. She spoke highly of your work.
    Also, being from Middlesex County and a cousin of Webster and Ellen Brooke, who frequent Hardee’s in Saluda way too much for their health’s sake, I feel compelled to write and ask when we might expect your next work ??? They told me that you and your family have moved to the West Coast ?!?
    Best wishes to you.

    Beth Maxwell
    Newport News VA


  2. Amuya: 4 years ago

    This is neatly helpful.

    Unfortunately, the night gown seems incomplete.

    Is there a continuation?


    • Graeme: 4 years ago

      Unfortunately not. Chronologically wise it just leads into Faces of the Gone.


  3. Craig M: 5 years ago

    Just read “The Good Cop”, I’m hooked 🙂 P.S. And your Acknowledgments comment makes me want to try my hand at writing- thanks.


  4. Kristi Cupcake: 6 years ago

    Graeme, you’ve done it again! Just when I was out of authors to try for my now almost 90! year old reading-machine dad, you feature Mr. Parks. Our library system had both his earlier stand alone novels available in large print. Can’t wait to see if they will jolt him out of this Western rut he’s been in.
    Thank you, sir, for this very helpful service!


    • Graeme: 6 years ago

      Excellent – hope you enjoy! I haven’t read the Carter Ross series at all – just the standalones – so if you read them let me know how they are!


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