Dick Wolf
Dick Wolf is an American author of thriller novels, although he has best known for his work as an Emmy award-winning producer on crime dramas including TV shows like Law & Order and Miami Vice. Law & Order, in particular, ran from 1990 until 2010. Wolf started as a copywriter for Benton & Bowles, writing commercials for Crest. He has recently began a career in writing fiction, introducing his Jeremy Fisk character in 2012.

Dick Wolf became a published author in 2003 with the non-fiction companion book Law & Order: Crime Scenes. His first fiction novel The Intercept, published in 2012. Below is a list of Dick Wolf’s books in order of when they were originally published:

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Publication Order of Jeremy Fisk Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Law & Order: Crime Scenes(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

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Dick Wolf Synopsis: The Intercept is Dick Wolf’s debut novel and the first in his Jeremy Fisk series. Just before July 4th and the One World Tradde Center dedication, an event occurs that reminds everyone about the value of vigilance. Jeremy Fisk is a New York detective in the Intelligence Division who thinks it’s a warning sign for an even bigger event.

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One Response to “Order of Dick Wolf Books”

  1. Jerri Martin Trepke: 6 years ago

    Dick Wolf is getting ready to replace Sherlock Holmes. I am so happy he is writing books now. He is a genius at TV stories. He is excellent as an author. Don’t start his novel at night. They are hard to put down. When you end, your adrenaline will be fueled and you might have to go for a jog to settle down and I’m 77. I found his book on an ocean cruise and read it in a few days. Finding the next one wasn’t so easy. Order it. All 3 are excellent. I’m having withdrawals now because I can’t find out what’s next. Thank you Dick Wolf. I need more of Jeremy Fisk.


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