Evan Winter is an English fantasy author who burst onto the scene with his first book, The Rage of Dragons, which is part of the Burning series. The book series has been described as the movie Gladiator meets Game of Thrones. He held a number of jobs before becoming a writer, but he had always wanted to pursue writing.

Evan Winter was actually born in England to two South African parents. His family then took him to to Africa to raise him, close by the historical territory of his Xhosa ancestors. While having dreams of writing, he actually became a director and cinematographer first. He worked with a number of highly talented people, including A-list celebrities, before taking a job as the Creative Director of one of the world’s largest infrastructure companies. Despite all that, he maintained his love of writing and realized that if he didn’t start writing his stories now, they might be stuck in his head forever.

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Publication Order of The Burning Books

The Rage of Dragons(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Fires of Vengeance(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Lord of Demons(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

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The Rage of Dragons is Evan Winter’s debut novel. The book tells the story of the Omehi people and tribe member Tau. The Omehi people have been at war for almost two hundred years with many deaths along the way. There are those who are born gifted, women who can call down dragons and men who can transform themselves into killing machines. The gifted are one in every hundred men and two thousand women, but Tau is not one of them. Tau is one of those who is fodder in the greater war, but he doesn’t want that life. His goal is to get injured in battle, get out, and settle down with a family. Those plans are dashed though when those closest to him are brutally murdered. From there, Tau sets out to become the greatest swordsman who ever lived in order to get revenge on those who wronged him.

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