Order of Lin Anderson Books
Lin Anderson is a Scottish author and screenwriter who is best known for her creation, the Rhona MacLeod series of forensic scientist crime novels. Her fathaer was a detective so crime novels were a natural extension of the life that she already knew.
In addition to her work as a screenwriter and author, Lin is a huge fan of the film Braveheart starring Mel Gibson. She has seen the film many times in her life and even wrote a book about the making of it called Braveheart: From Hollywood to Holyrood. Before her writing career took off she worked as a teacher of maths and computing at George Watson’s College in Edinburgh.

Publication Order of Rhona MacLeod Books
Publication Order of Patrick de Courvoisier Mystery Books
Publication Order of Blaze Dog Detective Books
(with Donald McKay)
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
Publication Order of Anthologies
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Driftnet is the first book in the Rhona Macleod series of books. Rhona is a forensic scientist that is called to the scene of a brutally mutilated teenage boy. This case holds a special place to her as the mutilated boy she is set to investigate bares a shocking resemblance to the 17-year old son she gave up for adoption at birth. This fills Rhona with guilt and she sets out to find this boy’s killer while also searching for the son she never knew, hoping they aren’t the same person.
Another popular book in the series is called Dark Flight. This is the fourth book in the series and sees Rhona investigating a truly dark crime. A mother and grandmother are murdered and an African talisman is found at the scene, the talisman is made from the bones of a child. The mother’s own child, Stephen, is missing and Rhona will need to decipher the meaning of the talisman in order to save the boy before he becomes part of another archaic ritual.
Order of Books » Authors » Order of Lin Anderson Books