Order of Mark Pryor Books
Mark Pryor is a crime fiction author who is best known for his Hugo Marston series of books. Pryor was born in Herfordshire, England and spent much of his early life in the UK before moving to America in 1994. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and young children.
Mark Pryor worked many careers in his early life as a ski instructor, personal trainer and other jobs. He would become a newspaper reporter in Essex and covered the crime beat for nearly two years. He would later move to North Carolina to attend journalism school at the University of North Carolina before moving on to law school at Duke. He used that latter degree to become an Assistant District Attorney which he does when he’s not writing books.
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Publication Order of Hugo Marston Books
The Bookseller | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Crypt Thief | (2013) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Blood Promise | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Button Man | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Reluctant Matador | (2015) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Paris Librarian | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Sorbonne Affair | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Book Artist | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The French Widow | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Hollow Man Books
Hollow Man | (2015) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Dominic | (2018) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
As She Lay Sleeping | (2013) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Inspector Henri Lefort Books
Die Around Sundown | (2022) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Dark Edge of Night | (2023) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
A Blood Red Morning | (2024) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
If You Like Mark Pryor Books, You’ll Love…
The Bookseller is the first book in the Hugo Marston series. Hugo is working as the head of security at the US Embassy in Paris when a friend of his, an elderly bookstall owner named Max, is abducted at gunpoint. His position leaves him powerless to do anything about it, but he begins to investigate anyways with the help of a semiretired CIA agent named Tom Green. Their investigation leads to Max’s dark past and a group of rival drug dangs in a turf war.
Pryor also wrote Hollow Man as a standalone novel. The book follows Dominic, an English musician living in Texas (sound familiar?), who is a psychopath trying to hid his condition and live a normal life. Things start to break down when he’s demoted at work, accused of stealing another musician’s work, and meets a beautiful woman who convinces him to steal a van. The plan is wrought with trouble and Max will have to decide who he can trust and whether or not to let his true nature come out.

Mr. Pryor,
Just finished “the Blood Promise” and am looking forward to your next book in line “The Button Man”….already ordered it from my local San Antonio library! I read you live in Austin (maybe no longer) but a coincidence just the same.
Love your character, Hugo, and his good friend Tom. Was so sad to read of Raul Garcia’s murder! Actually brought a tear to my eyes. Hate to see super characters leave the scene. Will look forward to the interaction with Claudia, Tom and Hugo, not to mention Insp Lerens. Really super characters and your dialogue is great, makes me smile many times over.
Susan G