Mike Shepherd is the pen name of American novelist Mike Moscoe, who writes science fiction novels. He writes the Jump Universe, Kris Longknife, and other series. Mike was born in the Philadelphia Navy Yard Hospital – and left the city at three days old. He did not return until he was drafted. Despite most of Mike’s own war stories focusing around “How I flunked boot camp,” it doesn’t limit his military SF writing abilities. He enjoys reading, writing, watching grandchildren for story ideas and upgrading his computer. Mike lives in Vancouver, Washington, with his wife Ellen, his mother-in-law and any grandkids that come for a visit.
Mike Shepherd debuted this pen name in 2004 with the novel Mutineer. Below is a list of Mike Shepherd’s books in order of when they were originally released:

Publication Order of Kris Longknife Books
Publication Order of Kris Longknife Collections
Publication Order of Longknifes Books
Publication Order of Rita Longknife: Iteeche War Books
Publication Order of Vicky Peterwald Books
Chronological Order of Vicky Peterwald Books
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas
Publication Order of Short Story Collections
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
Note: The first three Jump Universe novels were written as Mike Moscoe.
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Mike Shepherd Synopsis: To Do or Die is the fourth Jump Universe novel by Mike Shepherd. Retired Colonel Ray Longknife and Marine Captain Terrence “Trouble” Tordon come to Savannah via different routes, but what they find is the same. One bully strongman is intent on keeping power no matter what the new rules are for peace. He’s got the population cowered by thugs, and tanks at the ready. He expects to win the coming elections handily. He doesn’t expect trouble. Or, in this case, Mrs. Trouble – aka Ruth Tordon – a Marine wife on a mission to find the drug lords that almost killed her and her husband and put them out of business—and she’s not about to be stopped by some barely trained roughnecks. Abandoned by their strongman and desperate in defeat, the heavy armor get ready to roll into town over anybody in their way. But Ray Longknife, Trouble and Ruth are standing in their way… and nothing is going to flatten them.