Sarah Lotz is an author and screenwriter who writes her novels under a variety of pen names.
She writes urban horror novels under the name S.L. Grey with author Louis Greenberg, the YA series Deadlands with her daughter under the pseudonym of Lily Herne, and she also writes quirky erotica novels with authors Helen Moffett and Paige Nick under the name Helena S. Paige. Additionally, she publishes books under her own name. Her recent novel, The Apartment, has been optioned by Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Partners and DreamWorks for a potential film adaptation.

Publication Order of A Girl Walks... Books
Publication Order of Deadlands Books
(as Lily Herne)
Publication Order of Downside Books
(as S.L. Grey)
Publication Order of The Three Books
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas
Publication Order of AfroSF Books
Publication Order of Solaris Rising Anthology Books
Publication Order of Five Stories High Books Books
Publication Order of Anthologies
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The Three is one of the most popular books penned by Lotz. The book features a unique story where four planes crash at the same time and there are three child survivors. There is a religious fanatic spreading the story that these three might be the harbingers of the apocalypse and the scary thing is, he might be right. The world is panicking at the disaster and a variety of reasons are looked at for the reason, but the evangelical minister’s theory seems to be the most popular. With the children exhibiting disturbing behavior, even their guardians are starting to believe it is true.
Another great book by Lotz is Missing Person. This book follows a bookseller named Shaun who has just figured out a long time family secret. He always thought that his uncle Teddy died in a car accident, but the truth is that he fled Ireland and headed to New York, and the family has never heard from him since. His family wants him to drop the case, but he has a need to find for the truth and that need will lead him to a cold case investigator who may know more than his family will tell.