Terry Fallis (Photo Credit: Tim Fallis)
Terry Fallis is a Canadian author of political satire novels. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering degree from McMaster University, and was elected President of the Students Union. Following graduation, he joined future Prime Minister Jean Chretien’s staff for his Leadership campaign in 1984, and for years would work on various political staffs. He’s also worked for international PR firm Hill and Knowlton and founded Thornley Fallis, a full service communications consulting agency. Terry lives in Toronto with his wife and two sons.

Terry Fallis made his debut as a published author in 2007 with the novel The Best Laid Plans. Below is a list of Terry Fallis’ books in order of when they were originally released:

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Publication Order of Honest Angus McLintock Books

The Best Laid Plans(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The High Road(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Operation Angus(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

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Terry Fallis Synopsis: The Best Laid Plans is a standalone political satire novel by Terry Fallis. A burnt-out political aide quits just prior to the election – but is forced to run a hopeless campaign on the way out. He makes a deal with a crusty old Scot, Angus McLintock – an engineering professor who will do anything, anything, to avoid teaching English to engineers – to let his name stand in the election. No need to campaign, no chance to win, and so on. Then a great scandal ruins his opponent, and to their horror, Angus is elected. He decides to see what good an honest M.P. who isn’t worried about being re-elected can do in Parliament.

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Order of Books » Authors » Order of Terry Fallis Books

One Response to “Order of Terry Fallis Books”

  1. Margaret Stauffer: 3 weeks ago

    Have and read all of Terry Fallis books.

    Beautifully written

    Enjoy all the Canadiana in the books …our locations, Canadian spellings

    How do I preorder his new book Marionette?


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