Volker Kutscher is a German author best known for writing the series of historical fiction novels, the Gereo Rath series. The books were originally published in his native language, but have since been translated into English and published across the world.

The series won the 2011 Berlin Krimi-Fuchs Crime Writers Award. Volker’s novels have been praised for the vivid description of what Germany was like during the time of the Weimar Republic. Volker has a love of history as he studied it at university. In addition to writing books, Kutscher has also worked as a journalist. The books have since been turned into a very successful TV show.

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Publication Order of Gereon Rath Books

Babylon Berlin(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Silent Death(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Goldstein(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Fatherland Files(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The March Fallen(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

If You Like Volker Kutscher Books, You’ll Love…

Babylon Berlin takes place in 1929 in Berlin, Germay. It is post-war and Gereon Rath is new in town and at the police department. It doesn’t take long for him to get his first case when a dead man without an identity is found. Rath hopes this will get him in with the homicide division and his investigation discovers a connection with a circle of oppositional exiled Russians who try to purchase arms with smuggled gold in order to prepare a coup d’état. However, they aren’t the only ones looking to get hold of the guns and the gold, and Rath soon finds himself caught up in quite the conflict.

Another good book in the series is called The Silent Death. Film takes center stage in this own as films are taking over the silver screen which leaves silent movie stars to fall to the side. An actress named Betty Winter is shooting a talkie when she is hit by a spotlight. At first this looks like an accident, but Rath finds clues that point to murder. His investigation will take him away from where his colleagues are looking and he’ll be on his own to solve this one.

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4 Responses to “Order of Volker Kutscher Books”

  1. Pat Hirsch: 7 months ago

    I heard the rest might be published in England before being available in the US? Any updates from across the Atlantic?
    I liked the tv series but they deviated from the books a lot in plot, and not for the better, imho.
    Any info at all??



  2. Karen Furlong: 2 years ago

    I have also hoped there would be English translations of the rest of the series considering how popular European crime books are now


  3. R.S. Carrafa: 3 years ago

    I was wondering the same thing and looked high and low for an answer. It took several months but I finally received a response from the original publisher who printed the series in Germany. I’m not sure how it all works, but they contracted out with a publisher in Scotland (Sandstone Press) who wanted to translate Kutscher’s Gereon Rath novels into English. Their original contract was only for the first five titles.

    Nothing was decided on, after that, though. Sandstone wanted to continue translating the rest of the series but the pandemic interrupted the process, as it did with so many things. Right now, there is nothing in the works. The German publisher (KiWi) has a sample of Lunapark translated and available on their website, and that made me hopeful that we’d see something soon. But there is nothing happening at this time. There is no contract with Sandstone right now. If that changes, and they decide to keep the series going after The March Fallen, it would be at least two years out after anything is signed.

    It’s terrible news! I was very excited for Lunapark! From the way they were talking at KiWi, it’s a done deal. The story seems to tie up neatly at the end of book #5: Gereon and Charly get married and take in the two kids. All seems well, so, for English readers, the story is over.

    Plus, I noticed on Amazon that the series, in English, is being marketed and sold as a five-book series.


  4. William G Wieand: 3 years ago

    I have read all five of the above books, and am now wondering when Lunapark,” “Marlow,” and “Olympia” will be translated into English and available for purchase. Thank you.


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