What I Read: January 2012
Written by Dan Malone
I haven’t read much the past couple of months, but I managed to get a little downtime in December, and I poured through quite a lot of books.
I finished Andy McNabs “Nick Stone” series of novels, with Zero Hour. At least I thought I did, until I realized his latest one, Dead Centre, was already out in the UK! So I picked it up there, and plan on reading that very soon.
I read Soft Target by Stephen Hunter, and The Litigators by John Grisham. Reviews below:
I’ve also started reading Dead Simple by Peter James, which has a great premise but hasn’t hooked me thus far. Hopefully that turns around.
For Christmas I received every Cyanide & Happiness book(Comic Strip) and ended up just BLOWING through those. Fantastic books.
I also got out the library Brock Lesnars Death Clutch. Don’t buy this book! It’s 200 pages and paper-thin. If you’re a Lesnar fan like me then it’s worth skimming through – but seriously not worth the purchase.
That’s it for December. What did you guys read?