What I Read: September 2011
Written by Dan Malone
Well obviously in September, I read Linwood Barclays latest book The Accident. I even wrote a review of it. This was a solid book, possibly Barclays best yet, and I have to again highly recommend it.
This was actually a very special book for me because I broke my “e-reader fear”. I have been tempted to get a Kindle or something for awhile. I even wrote up a huge pros & cons list on it, and the only con was “it’s not a book”. Yet I still couldn’t break my fear, and always stuck to books.
I recently bought one of those HP Touchpads, and decided to give the Kindle App for that a go, buying The Accident. I was really impressed actually. It was nice to have it sit up in a stand, and made for easier reading while I ate.
Last month I read Buried Secrets by Joseph Finder. I freakin love Finder – he’s a phenomenal author that keeps you glued from page 1.
So I went back and re-read Extraordinary Powers by him too which is a lot more of a “deep” book, but still really great. I also read Power Play.
After that, it was back to the Nick Stone Series of Books. I read Brute Force and Exit Wound. I now have just one more Nick Stone book to read(“Zero Hour”) then I’m all done with that series until “Dead Centre” comes out in January.
Really pumped for October. New Ben Coes book is out, new Jack Reacher book to read, so many books, can’t wait!
What did you read lately?