Order of Ashton Ford Books
Ashton Ford is a series of mystery novels by American novelist Don Pendleton. Ashton Ford is a former intelligence officer with the U.S. Navy, a top-notch psychic and a Renaissance man. He uses his psychic powers in order to assist those who are in crisis as a detective, able to see back into the past or into the future.
Don Pendleton began his Ashton Ford series in 1986 with the novel Ashes to Ashes. The series lasted six novels, concluding in 1988 with Time to Time. Below is a list of Don Pendleton’s Ashton Ford books in order of when they were originally published (which is the same as their chronological order):
Publication Order of Ashton Ford Books
Ashes to Ashes | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Life to Life | (1987) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Time to Time | (1987) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Mind to Mind | (1987) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Heart to Heart | (1987) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Eye To Eye | (1987) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
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Ashton Ford Synopsis: Eye to Eye is the second book of six in Don Pendleton’s Ashton Ford Psychic Detective series. Ashton has been a spy, naval officer, scholar and an adventurer. Not only is he well-versed in cryptology and philosophy, but he’s also a good shot. That said, the most intriguing aspect of Ashton Ford is his powers, which he can use to make someone’s life easier or harder. Some of the brightest astronomers and space scientists from the U.S. and Russia have gone missing without a trace. Neither the CIA or KGB can find an answer. Ashton Ford takes on this baffling case that will give him a chance to have a glimpse into worlds nobody has ever seen.
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