Order Of Boy Nobody / Unknown Assassin Books
Allen Zadoff, a Boston native and graduate of Cornell and Harvard, has written multiple novels. He began writing standalone novels, but nothing has taken off like the Boy Nobody / Unknown Assassin series.
Note that this series has had some name changes. The first book was initially called Boy Nobody, but was changed to I Am The Weapon. The next one was initially entitled The Lost Mission, but is now I Am The Mission.
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Publication Order of Boy Nobody / Unknown Assassin Books
Boy Nobody / I Am the Weapon | (2013) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
I Am the Mission | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
I Am the Traitor | (2015) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Unknown Assassin Review: Boy Nobody is the boy with no name. He also has no past, and he also has no remorse. he was the best assassin. However things are about to change. If you’re a fan of the Bourne books you’ll know what the plan is here. This is a tremendous series and highly recommended. Sony Pictures think so anyway!