The Courtney series is a series of historical fiction novels written by Anglo-African author Wilbur Smith. The series follows the Courtney family throughout many different generations. The series starts in the 1660s and runs up until 1987. The series is broken down into three sequences; from the 1860s to 1925, from 1917 until 1987 and the final part (which chronicles multiple generations of Courtneys) from the 1660s until 1918.

It can be a bit confusing and more books keep being released so look at the list below for the most up to date list in chronological order as well as publication order.

Wilbur Smith’s first Courtney novel was When the Lion Feeds in 1964. Below is a list of Wilbur Smith’s Courtney books in publication order and in chronological order:

Publication Order of Courtney Books

Chronological Order of Courtney Books

Book Notification
Order of Books » Characters » Order of Courtney Books

8 Responses to “Order of Courtney Books”

  1. Einar Kr. Holtet: 3 years ago

    Why isn’t Vicious Circle in the list?


    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      It’s not part of this series.


  2. david grunbaum: 4 years ago

    Being a little late to the game I want to read the series in the proper order – could you provide the correct sequence for me. I did notice that some of the more recent books are set to be read earlier in the series – why is that?

    Also is the books that have been published that contains multiple book?



    • Graeme: 4 years ago

      If you want to read it chronologically (by year) then you would follow the chronological order. Or if you would rather read it when the books were published, you would read it within the publication order. It’s just the way the author does it where he likes to write at a certain time period etc. A lot of people like to read it chronologically but one thing to remember is there will be new books published after you finish most likely, and so they would end up being read out of the chronological order.


  3. Einar Kr. Holtet: 5 years ago

    In your intro above, Your count of Courtney books ends up with thirteen. My observation of your list in chronological order is that Wilbur must have written eighteen Courtney novels (so far…)! Correct?


    • Graeme: 5 years ago

      Yep. Thanks for catching that. We hadn’t updated that writeup in awhile(as the book listings updates are different from the writeups) so I’ve updated it now.


  4. Suzanne Green: 8 years ago

    spoiler alert don’t read war cry first they have got them in the wrong order


    • Graeme: 8 years ago

      Not sure why you’d read it first – our list has War Cry 10th in the reading list in chronological order.


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