Demon Kissed by HM Ward
Demon Kissed is a series of young adult paranormal romance novels by American novelist H.M. Ward. The series follows Ivy Taylor, who survives a demon’s kiss and is thus giving powers that cause her to change the war between the Valefar and Martis.

H.M. Ward began her Demon Kissed series in 2011 with the title novel of the series. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of H.M. Ward’s Demon Kissed books in order of when they were first published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Demon Kissed Books

Publication Order of Demon Kissed: Valefar Books

Valefar, Vol. 1(2011)Description / Buy at
Valefar, Vol. 2(2012)Description / Buy at

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Demon Kissed Synopsis: Demon Kissed is the first book in H.M. Ward’s Demon Kissed series. By tricking Ivy Taylor into kissing him, the Valefar boy stole her soul and almost killed her. But because she survived, Ivy is brought into the conflict between the Martis and the Valefar – a war that’s been going for thousands of years without any sort of break. Until Ivy. Ivy is the only one who has walked away from a demon kissing them, giving her deadly abilities. She is now a threat to them both.

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