Order of Detective Greene Books
Detective Greene is a main character in a series of legal thriller/mystery novels by Canadian author Robert Rotenberg. The series follows Detective Ari Greene and Officer Daniel Kennicott and is set in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Robert Rotenberg began his Detective Greene series in 2009 with his debut novel, Old City Hall. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Robert Rotenberg’s Detective Greene books in order of when they were first published (which is the same as their chronological order):
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Publication Order of Detective Greene Books
Old City Hall | (2009) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Guilty Plea | (2011) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Stray Bullets | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Stranglehold | (2013) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Heart of the City | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Downfall | (2021) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
What We Buried | (2024) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
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Detective Greene Synopsis: In The Guilty Plea by Robert Rotenberg (book 2 of the series), millionaire Terrance Wyler is found stabbed to death on the evening of his major divorce trial. Detective Ari Greene shows up before the media and finds Wyler’s young son asleep upstairs. When the wife, Samantha, appears at her lawyer’s office with a bloody knife, the belief is that this case is closed. But in reality, Greene discovers that there are many secrets in the Wyler family.
Stray Bullets (book 3) by Robert Rotenberg is book 3 of the Detective Greene series. Gunshots are fired and young boy is critically hurt outside a doughnut shop. Soon Detective Ari Greene is on scene. How many shots were fired? How many guns were fired? How many witnesses were there? As the parents grief and Toronto cries for justice, the pressure is on to convict the man accused of this horrible crime. Against this tidal wave of indignation, defense counsel Nancy Parish finds herself defending her oldest and most difficult client. But what’s the true story?