Fatal Series by Bob Moats
The Fatal series is a series of crime thriller/suspense novels by American novelist Bob Moats. The series follows Dave and Sarah as they must deal with a serial killer terrorizing their Washington town.

Bob Moats began his Fatal series in 2011 with the novel Fatal Rejection. The series is currently ongoing. It is recommended that you read the books in order. Below is a list of Bob Moats’ Fatal books in order of when they were first published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Fatal Series Synopsis: In Fatal Rejection by Bob Moats (book 1 of the Fatal Series), the NY Slasher went on a cross-country killing spree, left 30 bodies in his wake and disappeared. Derek Harcourt has written a novel about these crimes and is writing a sequel, but he has ulterior motives for the second book. He is following the Slasher’s travels from New York all the way to Washington. His editor, Sarah Keller is already a victim of some horrible crimes, but could more be in her future? What will happen once the author and his editor meet?

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