Stewart Hoag and Lulu Mysteries by David Handler
The Stewart Hoag and Lulu Mysteries is a series of crime fiction novels by American novelist David Handler. Stewart Hoag (nicknamed “Hoagy”) is a ghost writer for celebrities who teams up with his basset hound, Lulu, to dig up dirt about celebrities and showbiz in general.

David Handler began his Stewart Hoag & Lulu series in 1988 with the novel The Man Who Died Laughing. The third novel of the series, The Man Who Would Be F. Scott Fitzgerald, won the Edgar Award and the American Mystery Award. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of David Handler’s Stewart Hoag and Lulu books in order of when they were originally published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Stewart Hoag & Lulu Books

The Man Who Died Laughing(1988)Description / Buy at
The Man Who Lived by Night(1989)Description / Buy at
The Man Who Would Be F. Scott Fitzgerald(1990)Description / Buy at
The Woman Who Fell from Grace(1991)Description / Buy at
The Boy Who Never Grew Up(1992)Description / Buy at
The Man Who Cancelled Himself(1995)Description / Buy at
The Girl Who Ran Off with Daddy(1996)Description / Buy at
The Man Who Loved Women to Death(1997)Description / Buy at
The Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes(2017)Description / Buy at
The Man Who Couldn't Miss(2018)Description / Buy at
The Man in the White Linen Suit(2019)Description / Buy at
The Man Who Wasn't All There(2021)Description / Buy at
The Lady in the Silver Cloud(2022)Description / Buy at
The Girl Who Took What She Wanted(2023)Description / Buy at
The Woman Who Lowered the Boom(2024)Description / Buy at
The Man Who Swore He'd Never Go Home Again(2025)Description / Buy at

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Stewart Hoag and Lulu Synopsis: The first Hoagy & Lulu novel is The Man Who Died Laughing by David Handler. Hoagy’s debut novel made him a big deal in NYC. Suddenly, everyone wanted to be his friend and he got to travel the cocktail circuit with his wife, Merilee, and dog, Lulu. But when the second novel didn’t write itself, his friends, money and wife all went away. All he had left was Lulu. He gets an opportunity to work as a ghostwriter – not his first choice for a job, but better than nothing. His first job is to write for an old comedian named Sonny Day whose heyday was thirty years ago. Since then, Sonny has become poor and bitter and all that’s left for him to do is to write his memoir. Hoagy and Lulu head to Hollywood for an easy time, but instead all Hoagy gets is the finger pointed at him for Day’s murder.

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